
Angelic Sutherland Case

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In explaining this information to Angelic Sutherland, I also questioned where are the documents that reflect a modification because the original proposal was approved as a fishing camp site and then in 2004 the property was purchased and converted into a permanent residential development, which should have enacted a modification that was not done. I further express, in discovering such lack of action, the proposal is not meeting the state laws, and therefore it should not be allowed to go forward. In addition, in studying the area soils, it was not found to be suitable for full-time living quarters. However, Angelic Sutherland’s response was this project started before she was the Director, so we are to still move forward with the request. …show more content…

Through, the mentioned efforts, strives were made to paint the picture for the decision makers, so they could understand this proposed subdivision did not go through all the required steps and really was not compatible. Instead of the staff report, that I authored being used, Angelic Sutherland and the District Attorney, Thomas Daley made changes that did not coincide with the Louisiana State Statues concerning Community Development District (CDD), nor were the applicants required to go through the required standards provided in the St. John the Baptist Code of Ordinances. Nevertheless, the project was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission to the Parish Council and received the final approval on October 09, 2012. One last problem with this particular item is, while working on the proposed Heron Bay Subdivision, it was made known to me by the Planning Manager, Lou Vaughn that she owned property depicted in the subject

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