In explaining this information to Angelic Sutherland, I also questioned where are the documents that reflect a modification because the original proposal was approved as a fishing camp site and then in 2004 the property was purchased and converted into a permanent residential development, which should have enacted a modification that was not done. I further express, in discovering such lack of action, the proposal is not meeting the state laws, and therefore it should not be allowed to go forward. In addition, in studying the area soils, it was not found to be suitable for full-time living quarters. However, Angelic Sutherland’s response was this project started before she was the Director, so we are to still move forward with the request. …show more content…
Through, the mentioned efforts, strives were made to paint the picture for the decision makers, so they could understand this proposed subdivision did not go through all the required steps and really was not compatible. Instead of the staff report, that I authored being used, Angelic Sutherland and the District Attorney, Thomas Daley made changes that did not coincide with the Louisiana State Statues concerning Community Development District (CDD), nor were the applicants required to go through the required standards provided in the St. John the Baptist Code of Ordinances. Nevertheless, the project was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission to the Parish Council and received the final approval on October 09, 2012. One last problem with this particular item is, while working on the proposed Heron Bay Subdivision, it was made known to me by the Planning Manager, Lou Vaughn that she owned property depicted in the subject
In 1986, David H. Lucas purchased two residential lots with the intention of building single-family homes on the Isle of Palms in Charleston County, [p1007] South Carolina. Two years later in 1988 the South Carolina Legislature barred Lucas from erecting permanent habitable structures on his land for erosion and destruction prevention purposes under the Beachfront Management Act thus making Lucas’ property valueless. Lucas sued the state agency for the deprivation of viable economic use for the parcels and under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments was seeking
During the review process, Smith claimed that a city staff member informed him that the new barn did not qualify as “structure” (under the state and city statute, the buffer zone only applied to structures). However, in final review, the City Council denied Smith’s
As you aware, this firm represents the interests of the Spinnaker Tower Condominium Association (hereinafter “Spinnaker”). It is my understanding that Jefferson Grounds, LLC would like to complete construction of a concrete apron in the Harbortown Community later this year. It is my understanding that Jefferson-Grounds, LLC (hereinafter “Jefferson”), has requested that Spinnaker open up Jib Lane in order to accommodate traffic within the Harbortown Community during the construction of the apron. As indicated in our previous letter of April 29, 2015, Jefferson does not qualify as the “Administrator” under the Declaration of Easements, Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Harbortown Community, recorded in Liber 22198, Page 562-575, Wayne
AmeriSouth argued that cost-segregation study allocates $65,381 of Garden House's depreciable basis to “site preparation and earthwork,” depreciable over 15 years as a land improvement is allowable because it is a “site development,” but nowhere does it describe what work is included in this category. On the other hand, the Commissioner's expert claims that work papers show the expenses relate to the initial clearing and grubbing (i.e., tree removal) of the land which occurred before the apartments' construction in 1970.
Heron Bay Subdivision due to the following that will represent violations: “Employees and their immediate family may not accept anything of economic value (i.e. money or any other thing having economic value) as prohibited by the Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics (R.S. 42:1111-1121) from any person or firm doing, or seeking to do, business with the Parish.”, “Employees may not give, offer, or promise, directly or indirectly, anything of value to any representative or any entity in connection with any transaction or business that St. John the Baptist Parish may have.” “Any conflict or potential conflict of interest must be disclosed to the St. John the Baptist Parish Administration. Failure to do so may result in discipline, up to and including
In September 2003, Mason Sexton, a young, inexperienced developer, was making plans to replace a rooming house he had inherited next to the University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville with a new 14-unit, 5-story apartment house. In his attempts to assemble the information, approvals, and resources necessary to go ahead, he runs into many problems associated with the development process. While Sexton is able to carry out most of the conceptual, investigative and planning stages of this development, he runs into many problems because of his inexperience and his initial plan changes over time. He runs into issues obtain financing, has to spend money to obtain a certificate of occupancy, underestimates the
I live in Charlotte North Carolina; I just purchased a home in a community called Ballantyne. This community is on what we consider the south side of Charlotte. In February of this year, members of my community were told that there was going to be a public housing development built on a seven acre lot that has been vacant for many years. An emergency community meeting was called; several of my neighbors packed the room, all wanting information about what and where Charlotte’s next public housing development could be built. Many were concerned, especially those living close to the lot that is said to be the
(NC G.S. Section 40A-3 (b), 2015) As a result, the Tar Heel Family Resort establishes eminent domain resulting in specified details to obtain property for public recreational use. Sorry, Mr. Martin, you can seek further assistance to dispute the terms, but I do not believe the outlook will be in your favor. Remember Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Jeremiah, 2013, p.811)
The case of Karen Leary illustrates the implications cultural conflict can have on business organizations and office culture. A common mistake managers make is undermining the power of cultural constraints at the organizational level. After six years as a financial consultant at Merrill Lynch, Karen Leary was promoted to general manager at the Elmville branch in Chicago. Leary wanted to achieve success at the branch office by building high-producing, successful group of professionals who work together to provide clients with complete service in meeting long-term financial goals.
An up-to-date survey of the entire property which shows the existing improvements and the location of all wetlands and poorly and very poorly drained soils (including wetland flag numbers), wetland buffer, and 12’ primary structure setback from the buffer edge. The survey should be prepared by a licensed surveyor. For properties where the wetland delineation is older than 3 years, the professional who did the original delineation should reconfirm the accuracy of the boundaries in writing as part of the application. The Conservation Commission reserves the right to request documentation/notes for any wetlands delineation.
Obviously, it has been largely ignored in how resources are extracted, leading to the issue of wetland degradation. Oil drilling and driving boats to and from drills eroded large sections of the wetlands. However, the issue of degradation cannot be completely solved. The Louisiana state government has acknowledged that even with its restoration program, it cannot build enough land to offset the losses. Under the principle of stewardship, we understand that the poor are affected first and worst, which is clearly seen in coastal Louisiana. Not only are the poor affected more because they often live on the front lines of environmental decay but also because, as a culture, we rush to protect more affluent communities first. More resources are allocated to protect New Orleans from flooding than coastal fishing communities like Jean Lafitte. Within the coastal towns though, residents have upheld stewardship in their communion with the area and reciprocal understanding of how to care for
Despite the “take it or leave it” offer presented by Hunter Pasteur, the boards attempted to engage in negotiations. We determined that Hunter Pasteur was merely asking for a release in exchange for items that Hunter Pasteur was already legally obligated to perform. The boards walked the grounds and identified numerous areas where areas were not built to plan, not built altogether, missing landscaping, dead trees, etc. The boards created a master spreadsheet of items that we wanted along with anticipated costs. We have attached a copy of our attorney’s letter and the spreadsheet that we prepared that was sent on September 19, 2017. As you can see, the letter did not threaten litigation. It indicated that we would provide the release requested by Hunter Pasteur in exchange for $371,284, which was the boards’ estimated cost of repairs. If Hunter Pasteur does not want to pay the anticipated costs, we are perfectly fine with having them perform the repairs themselves. Rather than responding to our letter, and attempting to work through the issues, Mr. Wertheimer’s decided that it would be better to send an inflammatory letter to the entire community and have his counsel send us acrimonious letters while we were in the process of completing our
We work with the Rockland County “Rockland Codes Initiative”, local firehouses and Building Inspectors to identify proposed overdevelopment and illegal housing. We seek legal and consultant services to advise, prepare, and pursue remedies whenever the governing body’s
Other amendments to the SAP were approved by the Zoning Ordinance of City of Miami, after the developer purchased adjacent properties that were
The Landcorp as land authority trading in Western Australia has granted approval from minister of planning in July 2008 for redevelopment plan Perry Lakes sport facilities used for commonwealth games venue in 1962 to become a new residential area. The Landcorp proposed to subdivide the area to build four types housing area with a unique characteristic. The characteristic of the building could help the redevelopment to achieve the goals which will believe to benefit existing community for example a sport facility in AK reserves would have new funding to increase facilities from Perry Lakes redevelopment land sale. However, the special characteristic of area for example some features of former Perry Lakes sport facilities that become iconic