
Angela Davis Duality

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“Duality” portrays the insanity individuals can feel when trapped inside the confines and horrors of their own minds. When I get stuck inside my own mind for too long, I conjure up scenarios that eat away at me, yet aren’t even close to the reality of the situation. Duality hits the individuals who know that their own mind can be an imposing tormenter if left to run in the wrong direction. I push my fingers into my eyes
It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache
But it's made of all the things I have to take
Jesus, it never ends, it works its way inside
If the pain goes on,
I'm not gonna make it! (41-46) When stuck in those certain lows, the last thing you want to feel is alone because everything comes to attack at once. It’s as if …show more content…

Angela Davis devises that “ Refusing in the blues tradition of raw realism, to romanticize romantic relationships, they instead exposed the stereotypes of those relationships” (41). In “Snuff” Taylor writes of his experience of being hurt by someone he loved and how that had detrimental effects to his mental wellness. Instead of making relationships something to be sought after he exposes his own anxieties with being close to someone and how losing that person wreaked havoc on his self-identity. The music video also adds to this because Taylor plays a cross dresser trying to look like the woman he’d lost. You get this sense that he knew the relationship would end because of who his is as a …show more content…

If I get one kid to do something great with there life then so be it”. He understands that their music isn’t only about hate, like others would unjustly claim. Its about reaching out to those kids who were dealt an unfair hand, and letting them know there is always a way out other than ending their life. Getting mad is better than being numb, because when the numbness takes over it’s difficult to see a point in living. Their music has real therapeutic value because it allows the audience to release pent up anger in a healthy manner while connecting to people who understand their anger. Being isolated is dangerous when in a state of brokenness, so they want to reach out in hope of saving a persons life. Metal creates a community of people who are admittedly not okay, but through being honest, they gain a sense of humanity, a step in the right direction for

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