
Andy Warhol Vs. Murakami: The Pop Art Movement

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The Pop art movement began in Britain in the mid 1950s and in America in the late 1950s. It was after the Abstract Expressionist movement and what these are artist were now doing was reintroducing the identifiable image. What these artist did do to differentiate themselves was to shift the subject matter of their work. While the subject matter for a work to be considered "high art" was typically a theme of mythology or classic history, Pop artists instead focused on everyday objects changing the way that we see them. The goal was to blur the boundaries between "high" art and "low" culture. These artists were embracing abundance in the media and manufacturing that occurred after WWII. Many artists even began their careers in commercial art, such as Andy Warhol who was an illustrator and graphic designer. The Neo-Pop Art movement began in the 1980s. These artists were …show more content…

Similar to Warhol, Murakami has a large staff which helps him produce these designs. While some of his works art intended for galleries and collectors, what makes him so different is that he also mass produces merchandise that features the characters he has created. Murakami was born in 1962, in Tokyo. His family was very interested in the arts, his younger brother, Yuji, also went on to become an artist. While he was very inspired by Japanese culture, he was also aware of the effect of Western culture, America in particular. While his father was working on an American naval base, he learned a lot about American life through music and movies. In 2001, he stated in interview magazine that, "Only recently did I realize how much I've been influenced by Steven Spielberg. In his films there is a tension between the children's' world and the adults' world." You can see this coming through in Murakami's

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