
Andrew Rickley Analysis

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Careless What separate’s a person from their money is when they do not know how to stop spending, but what keeps a person with money is when they know how to save. The different stories that I read I learned that most people that come into a large amount of money do not know how to stop spending. Saving money played an important role in many people’s life that won the lottery, well the ones that didn’t end with them going broke after they won the lottery. Being able to buy a nice home, car, and treat yourself to the finer things in life is cool. When you don’t know when to stop that is when you have a problem. Reading the article about Andrew “Jack” Whittaker a 55-year-old West Virginia man that won $315 million by playing the Powerball, …show more content…

A woman name Sharon Tirabassi won the lottery for $10.5 million by playing the Canadian Lotto Super 7. You would think that if someone won that amount of money they would be finically stable for a nice amount of time. Not If you buy a big house, fancy cars, designer wardrobe and taking exotic trips and threw fancy parties, that is what Sharon Tirabassi did. She also gave friends handout and loans which weren’t paid back. Out of all the things that she did for herself and others the only thing that she earned was a living pay check to pay check and catching the bus. Some people when they get a large amount of money they are not use to seeing if there are other things that they can put their money into. They usually end up getting their wants and not their needs. Typically, your wants lead you back to being carless with your money. If Sharon Tirabassi was not carless with her money, then she would probably not have to live pay check to pay check and not have to take the bus. For her being so carless with her money she lost it all and now Is back to …show more content…

For example, when you’re playing and thinking about the things that you will be able to buy with your millions of dollars that you will win, such as that trip that you have been planning your whole life. Even last week when my class and I decided to play the lottery; I was thinking about several many things that I will be able to buy with my millions. On the other hand, most people do not think about the money that they are spending on the tickets that they are buying. The little dollar that they are spending starts to add up against them; Think about the other things that you would be able to do with that dollar such as starting a savings account. Today, most people do not know the importance of saving money, it seems like the meaning of saving money has been lost. When I was growing up I always was taught to save money and not to spend your hard-earned money on frivolous things. I was taught to put half away because you would never know when you will need some extra cash.
Some people might say that, it’s okay to spend your money on things that you always wanted. We all would want to have that big house or that dream car that we always dreamed about, but that is when you must draw the line. Going from having your dream car to having to take the bus is the outcome of being carless with your money. No one would want to go back down that road; well I know I wouldn’t want

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