
Why Andrew Carnegie Is Not A Good Man

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One example of this is he didn't leave any money to his family because he believed they should earn it themselves. Another example of this is the fact he started working at age twelve for $1.25 a week and he worked very hard for every promotion he got at his job. He was always learning new information and skills, particularly in iron and telegraph. He also commonly gave speeches to adults and young people and the moral was always to work hard and hard work pays off. The last major reason I believe he was a good man is because he helped the economy a lot. One way he did this was he found a faster and cheaper way to make steel which benefited distributors and customers alike. He also lowered steel prices by twenty percent, which again benefited everyone. He also helped …show more content…

A big way he helped the economy was he gave many people including immigrants jobs. Also because of his lowered steel prices and higher production, more buildings were able to be built at a faster rate. In conclusion, these are some of the major reasons I think Andrew Carnegie was a great man. Sure he made some mistakes. Some bigger than others but I don't think that we should just disregard all the good things I just spoke of. I think his life is a great one because it shows with hard work anything is

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