
Ancient River Valley Civilization

Decent Essays

The most important achievements that are made by ancient civilizations, are those that are long lasting and affect multitudes of diverse people. A standardized writing system, calendar, and a new practice of religion are the most important and long lasting contributions made by Ancient River Valley Civilization. While things like protected cities, indoor plumbing, the wheel, and the plow are very crucial aspects of one’s life today, they just do not match up to the benefits of the other inventions that were made by the same civilizations. Mesopotamia’s greatest contribution to society was the first writing system. The world's first form of writing was known as cuneiform. Without the simple art of written communication, there would be no verbal record of the achievements that took place in tn history.With the assistance of record-keeping, the world’s historians now have a better understanding about the civilization and the rest of the world. Cuneiform spread through the mediterranean world, and influenced the Greek, Latin, and English language. The Greek and Latin language influenced a massive portion of other world languages. Other technological accomplishments that were created during the Mesopotamian era included the wheel, geometry, bronze, and the plow for farming. While all of …show more content…

The 365-day calendar is still in use today throughout most of the world. The Egyptians based their calendar on the moon and the annual flooding of the Nile River, which helped them with farming. With the flooding of the water, along came very fertile soil, and the calendar told them when it was time to plant their crops in order to avoid flooding. With the security of farming, the king’s were able to build pyramids and make advancements in math and astronomy. Without the 365-day calendar, the pyramid, along with the multitude of other advancements, would not have been

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