
Ancient India Research Paper

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India is engulfed by its geographical features. Mountains ranges, flourishing valleys and prominent rivers. Today India’s subcontinent is a barren plateau, but it once wasn’t. It once contained even more life on its land. Those were the days when the Indian civilization first began. Depending on the region of India you could be surrounded by dry air and hills, particularly in the middle section of India. Looking on the eastern and western coastlines, the land contains more life. The eastern and western plains are more habitable than the dry hilly land, therefore the eastern and western plains are where more of India's populations have lingered.

India is in the monsoon zone. Monsoons drastically affected the way in which the agriculture system worked. The monsoon are created by the direction the wind is moving which would bring in heavy raining. The farmers learned how to crop at certain times of the year, trying to use the …show more content…

They had a wealthy government, who could support their rulers with luxuries and protection. For yet undiscovered reasons, the Harappan civilization died out. Seen to be next were the Aryans. The Aryan tribes had a chief leader. The chief was called raja. He protected the people and was seen as a representation of their gods. The chief later held the title of a king, whom the people would call their maharaja. Next, there was the Mauryan Empire. The empire used the Caste and Class system. Each person was given an identity. There were five options of what your identity could hold. Priests were Brahmins, warriors were Kshatriya, merchants were the Vaisya, peasants were Sudras, and lastly the outcasts were called Pariahs. Most of the Indian’s were Sudras. For the majority of the years, India kept their basic way of social order. The geographical location of India made it difficult for outside influences to affect the way their societies were

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