
Ancient Greek Religion Essay

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Ancient Greek Religion: Mycenaean to Classical Period Ancient Greece has been a religion- centered culture since the earliest period of habitation in Greece, the Pre-Mycenaean/Mycenaean period. Also through to the Dark Ages to the Classical period. It is a religiously centered civilization, and did have significant changes in the how it was incorporated into people’s daily lives. Religion is important to know about the Ancient Greeks because through it we are able to understand how they lived their lives. Greek Religion in the Mycenaean period was practiced within caves ,or rock shelters according to The Minoan- Mycenaean Religion and its Survival in Greek Religion and were known as, nature sanctuaries(Nilsson,1950, p.54). Which one could …show more content…

218-219). So nobility or at least an early form of it was present at this time due to knowledge that they were religious centered I think it could be possible that they could have had a semi-theocratic like situation. It is assumed that they are a fetish or symbol of a deity and it was discovered that to the Minoans it had a meaning close to that of a modern greek word for the weapon of the thunder god to the Greek but in to those of Minoan Crete, a Mother Earth god(Nilsson, 1950, p. 220). Death and funerary customs were important to Mycenaean religion as well as rituals. Cremation, Pit burials, tombs as well as other forms have been used in their funerary customs, and also when the cremation was done it would take place at site of burial, fire used in burials as well as sacrifices had a meaning for why they used it. The Mycenaeans believed that it was purifying rite apart of burials,which could be the last step or so they took to send people to the afterlife, and was mainly practiced by the cult of the dead (Nilsson, 1950, p. 595-596).Also another reason for fire as apart of burial is because if their is still flesh the possibility that the person might not move on was still possible, so burning it off removed that possibility and was a way of giving people descension to the Afterlife, and because it disconnected the world of the living and dead so no harm could come to the living at the hands of Hades or the dead(Nilsson, 1950, p. 617-618). Another

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