
Ancient Egypt Project: Nubian Bow And Arrows

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Nubian Bow and Arrows Bows were made along time ago, in the ancient times. For my Ancient Egypt project, I made a Nubian bow. The Nubian bow was used a lot for all sorts of things. First, for the Nubian bow I cut of a branch of a tree. Then I took of the skin off the branch and sanded the branch. After that, I took silver spray paint and painted it. Then, I took a piece of string and tied it on each end. For the carrier for the arrows I took a paper towel roll and spray painted it. For the arrows I used marshmallows sticks and sharpened the edges. This bow was invented by the nubians for hunting on wild animals. They hunted because there was very little farming space. They also, used these bow in the military to fight against enemies. Later,

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