
Ancient Athens Vs Sparta

Decent Essays

In Sparta the right to live and be considered someone who can be part of the community took years and tremendous amounts of strength. Only men were considered to have any say and it didn't come easy to them. A man must be considered fit and not be born with any defects and a woman must be in great health and able to bear many sons. Any child born that was not considered to have these qualities would be cast out into the ravine and killed. Boys from the age of seven to eighteen would train and be educated so that they could join the military and women were educated so that they could take care of the household and bear many sons for there husbands which was considered there most important role. The men would be the only ones who had any political rights and …show more content…

The citizens were limited to males that's there parents could prove ancestry three generations back. Those males would start education under the guidance of the mother or male slave. At the age of six they would attend school learning philosophy, poetry, play, drama and more. Wealthier students would partake in public speaking training also. Then the male Athenians who were citizens would complete there military training and would have the right to vote in Athens. Then at the age of thirty wealthy male citizens would be able to serve in public office.

So between Athens and Sparta both forms of Government were similar in ways but as time passed Sparta countered with the thought of two kings on the throne and letting one person gain absolute control. This is where the two separated until later. Even with similarities there were also difference between the two city's. Sparta was one to be ruled by few and Athens was all men are given the opportunity to vote and participate. Over time in Athens you seem to have a better chance of becoming somebody where in Sparta most people were slaves and under the control of the Aristocrats in the

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