
Analyzing Twain's Moral Sense

Decent Essays

Twain’s declaration that Humans are the lowest animal is incorrect. The following paragraphs will unravel Twain’s exaltation of animals above human beings. Bye exploring the knowledge of man to create, by exploring the benefits of a moral sense, and the ability of man to control animals. One of the most known reasons why man is above humans is man’s ability to create. When was the last time anyone saw a clowder of cats building bridges in the Midwest? No one has, never in history. My Grandmother told me a story of how she was standing by a flooded creek and a cat was trying to get across. Did the cat go get some wood from the store and build a bridge? No. No it did not. It actually fell in the creek and got flushed down. How could Humans be below animals if they have the ability to build structures, but animals do not? (Yes, beavers can make “dams” but those do not compare to the structures made by humans) …show more content…

It was stated in Twain’s paper that Man’s moral sense is Man’s downfall, that it forces men to be evil. This is not the case. A moral sense gives Man the ability to make choices. Man has the ability to know what is right and what is wrong. We have the ability to make decisions based on that knowledge, animals only have the ability to make decisions based on instinct, the do not possess the ability to know what they are doing. A key example would be nakedness. People know that being naked is not normal, so they decide to create clothes. Charles Choi, states in the article ‘Top 10 Things that Make Humans Special’, “Humans may be called,’naked apes,’ but most of us wear clothing, a fact that makes us unique in the animal kingdom”. This plays part to animals’ inability to comprehend things, showing that they don’t know they are naked. How can something that has no choice in how they behave be

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