
Analyzing The Sherlock Story 'Man With The Twisted Lip'

Satisfactory Essays

The one Sherlock story that stuck out to me was The Man With the Twisted Lip. This mystery story had everything one could ever want in a mystery; the witness was the wife, because as said in the case she saw her husband before he was killed. The Red Herrings where the coat on the shore and the clothes on the room. The main suspect is Hugh Boone; and the detectives of this story were Holmes and Watson, because who DOESN'T want the dynamic duo as the detectives?! Along with the fantastic mystery, there is two different parts of irony. The first part is when Watson finds Holmes in the Opium den and says "Holmes! What on earth are you doing here?" When Watson knows either he was feeding his drug addiction or working on a case. Irony was also found

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