
Analyzing The Music Video 'Just Be Yourself'

Decent Essays

Just Be Yourself You wake up to the buzzing sound of your alarm and turn over to hit the snooze button. Eyes dry as a desert and hair as crazy as a lion’s mane, you begin your typical morning routine. When you turn on the light, it burns your eyes and you begin to rub them for comfort. As you stand there in front of the mirror after brushing your teeth and washing your face, you stare at your reflection and pick out all the imperfections that you see. To be more comfortable about your appearance, you begin to cover your flaws with make up and accessories. Why is that? Why do we put ourselves down just because we don’t look like the models in advertisements or magazines? Colbie Caillat successfully, through her lyrics and symbolism in her music video for the song “Try,” encourages women of all ages to embrace their imperfections and to love themselves for who they are. The music video features Caillat herself as well as women of different ethnicities, skin colors, and ages who in the beginning of the video are dolled up: hair curled and layers of shimmery eye shadow packed on their eyelids. These women are shown with flawless skin and a caked face to portray how society believes women should look like. By using such a diverse group of …show more content…

All the women wear white tank tops in the video to illustrate that everyone is equal. Symbolically speaking, everyone looks the same and might be going through similar situations. White is also a symbol for purity; not necessarily in a sexual manner, but in a way that we present our body. Along with using white, the women stand in front of a white backdrop as a bright light shines on their faces which symbolizes confidence. Even though the light focuses on the flaws, the audience is able to see that “[running] the extra mile” to look glamorous is unnecessary (Caillat line 4). Everyone has different features that make him or her

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