
Analyzing The Book Song 'To Kill A Mockingbird'

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Steven Carbucia December 2, 2015 Period 4 To Kill a Mockingbird Soundtrack Songs for TKAM: Title of Book Song - "Songs of Innocence and Experience" - William Blake The title To Kill a Mockingbird basically means to destroy innocence. This song was chosen because it talks/sings about childhood innocence being destroyed because of the corruption in the world. Main Theme of Book Song - "Prejudice" by Soulfly A theme throughout the book is about prejudice and how it affects everyone. For example, Jem started to see how corrupt the world is after Tom Robinson’s trial because he saw that just because Tom Robinson was black he had zero chance of getting “Not Guilty.” Characters: Scout - "Fade Into Darkness" by Avicii Scout is a thoughtful, confident, …show more content…

Dill is another character that is innocent and unaware of the corruption in the world, just like Scout. However, he knows a bit more of the world and its corruption than Scout. He understands very little of how everything works. Because of Dill’s personality this song can relate towards him because it is either do or die. For example, when Dill suggested to sneak around Boo Radley’s home. The “do” can be seen as them going and the “die” is they decide not to. Boo Radley - "Irene" by Toby Mac Boo Radley is one of the “mockingbirds” in the book. An innocent person destroyed by the evil in the world. Boo Radley was emotionally damaged by his father so he has a very shy personality. This song is actually the complete opposite from Boo Radley. In the song, the father is willing to buy a ton of things to make their child happy, but Boo Radley’s father did the opposite of that and the outcome is Boo Radley’s shy nature. Bob Ewell - "I hate" by Passenger Bob Ewell can be seen as an antagonist since he wants Tom Robinson to get the death penalty and he attacked Jem and Scout, but ended up dying because of Boo Radley trying the save the kids. The song is the opposite of Bob Ewell. In the song it says that this person hates racist, ignorant people. Bob Ewell is exactly that. He is a racist, ignorant man that hates black people for no reason whatsoever. Calpurnia - "Tough Love" by Ken …show more content…

Dubose is an elderly, racist woman that ends up dying. Jem sees her as a bad person, but Atticus respects and admires her because she is fighting off her addiction to morphine the best she can. The song talks about how you should open your mind and soul and all the sadness in your heart will go away. The sadness could be seen as her addiction and opening her mind and soul can make her accept black people. Plots and Scenes: Jem, Scout, and Dill sneaking around Boo Radley's House - “Take My Hand” by Simple Plan . Atticus shooting Tim Johnson's dog- "Monster" by Imagine Dragons This song talks about how there is a monster inside of us and if we were to show each other our monsters, our true natures, would the person leave us and walk away. Atticus never told Jem and Scout the he had the deadliest shot in town so finding this out was a shock to them because if Atticus wanted them to know he would have told them. It’s something that Atticus is not proud of because he does not like to go hunting. Scout walking Boo home and never sees him again – “Ask” by The Smiths . Tom Robinson declared Guilty, but was actually Innocent - "You're Crashing But You're No Wave" by Fall Out Boys . Boo Radley saves Jem and Scout - "Say This Sooner" by The Almost

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