
Analyzing The Article 'My Husband's Lover'

Decent Essays

“My Husband’s Lover” is an article from the New York Times discussing a wife and her husband’s ever-changing relationship and how that has impacted the way they parent. The wife is the narrator of the article. She tells of the highlights and challenges of her marriage and how these things influence their relationship with their child. I could relate their relationship back to the chapter on how cultural differences affect parenting styles. I saw this to be true in the telling of the authors’ marriage and family. Her husband’s culture dictates his priorities, views, and beliefs when it comes to how he parents and how involved he is with the family. The wife’s culture certainly seems to affect her view on parenting as well, however since the wife/mom of the story is the narrator we see things from her point of view and the husbands/fathers culture seems to be a bit of a hardship in their relationship. It is a hurdle she’s learned to overcome. …show more content…

She tells the story in a poetical way. We learn that their daughter Elena is 2 years old. The husband in this article is from Mexico and the wife tells of how she has had to learn to accept that there is this gap in their relationship between “his Mexico” and ‘her United States.” She states that “over the years, and especially in parenthood, he becomes more his Mexican self and me more my American one.” Her husband often is away in Mexico. This relates back to family structure. In class, we discussed how often the mom seems to be the main, most involved parent and I see that to be true in this case because the dad is frequently putting his desires and culture first and is not willing to do

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