
Analyzing Steve Cutts 'Drawing Social Media Zombie'

Decent Essays

Steve Cutts’s drawing Social Media Zombie (fig. 1) is one of many drawings of his that satirizes modern life. This particular piece of his is showing that we have become so addicted to our phones, that we have become zombies and that we don’t pay attention to our surroundings when we are on our phones. He aims this picture more towards millennials based on how the zombies are dressed and their hair color. The use of zombies would resonate well with younger generations too since The Walking Dead, a very popular show among younger generations, is about how a police officer wakes up to find that the world has been taken over by zombies and goes out to find his friends and family while running into other survivors along the way. Cutts is also trying to show how big tech companies like Samsung and Apple are the reason we have become addicted to our phones. He does this by placing the Apple and Samsung (Somsang in the picture) in numerous places throughout, they are on the zombies phones and in the background in ads on the buildings. Through his use of …show more content…

People are on their phones constantly even when they are walking down the street and when they are driving cars. This is what what Steve Cutts is trying to demonstrate in this picture. The zombies in the picture are all looking at their phones and are completely disregarding their surroundings even though they are walking down what looks to be a city street. On July 6, 2016, a game called Pokémon Go was released. This app allows you to bring the classic game Pokémon to the real world with your phone. This game was designed to get people outside and moving around which is a good thing, but the bad thing is that you have to be looking at your phone while moving around. This of course lead to many injuries because of people walking into streets without looking and people slipping into ditches and breaking bones. Another one of Steve

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