
Analyzing Ronald Munson's 'Screening For Marriage'

Decent Essays

For my case study analysis I chose “Screening for Marriage” from Ronald Munson’s book
Interventions and Reflection. The facts of this case are that a group of Orthodox Jews living in
New York and Israel initiated a screening program with a goal to eliminate from their community diseases transmitted as recessive genes. They called themselves Dor Yeshorim,
“The generation of the righteous.” People were given blood test to determine whether or not they carry the genes for Tay-Sahcs, Cystic Fibrosis, or Gauchers disease. These people who tested received a 6 digit identification number and were told to call a particular hotline to see if they are “compatible” or if they each carry a recessive gene for one of the three diseases. In 1983, 87 couples out of 8000 people decided to end things due to both of them being carries of the recessive gene. By 2010 more diseases were being tested on people to determine whether they had the recessive gene or …show more content…

Will this screening test be mandatory in the future or stay optional? People might become isolated and unwanted which could lead to depression and other medical illnesses. How will it effect society with people who do have recessive genes for these diseases ? Many people who have more than one recessive gene might feel as if they are social rejections and are unable to get married or have children. This could effect society severely and make people feel segregated. Should this be considered a national screening test given out to everyone ? Most importantly is this screening program a model of eugenics? Is there a possibility of improving life and the quality of human species by offering this screening test. These dilemmas raise many issues for the future and how it will affect society either positively or

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