
Analyze The Political And Social Effects Of American Imperialism

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During 1890-1913 America gad a lot of influences dealing with the military, economically and also cultural. The united states were really interested in trying to expand new goods in new places. People starts to have economic problems because of the war that the U.S was having on trying to gain new territories. The Spanish American war let the United States win the territories of Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines, and Panama Canal Zone which was held in 1903 making them gave new influences.

Philippines thought they were going to get their freedom like Cuba did. That’s when they started to protest against it. After that the Spanish war began and Philippines decided to fight with America. Like about 4,300 American died and 5,700 Philippines dies that day.

Their main mission was to spread the peace, freedom, and democracy all around the world. In those years James k. Polk was the president of the United States. Some say that American imperialism began the moment the constitution was made but Donald w. Maining says it began back to at least the Louisianan purchase. Nobody knows exactly when it began it’s

really difficult to know. During this time the United States exerted political, social, and economic control in Cuba, Germany, Austria, Korea, japan and Philippines. …show more content…

In that year America gained control of all part, buildings, harbors, military equipment, and public property that had belonged to the government of Hawaii. This happened because President William McKinley signed the new land resolution on July 7. It was an agreement he had made with the U.S. eventually this resulted as Hawaii becoming Americas 50th state in 1959. America then believed that it was their responsibility to bring concepts like industry, democracy, and Christianity to less developed "savage" society witch was called the social darwinson in that

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