
Analytical Essay: The Book Of Job

Decent Essays

: The book of Job is known as an anonymously written book, meaning that no one is sure of the author. Some say it could be Job, Elihu, or a person involved in Jobs life, and it is said that this person is certainly an Israelite. There are many different ideas of when Job was written, but the roundabout date that has been estimated by occurrences in the scripture, it is believed to have been written around 1700 – 2100 B.C.. The main characters listed in Job are Job, Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar, Dinah, and Sitidos. This book is one of the few wisdom and poetic books and is narrative, it tells the story of Job and how strong his faith is despite the trials and tribulations he deals with in his life. It shows that without even the slightest answer to why from God, he continues to trust him. The purpose of Job is showing the power of faith, God testing Jobs’ faith and Job complying. The theme is showing that even a very righteous and blessed man …show more content…

until 535 B.C., he is thought to have been born in or near Jerusalem. Daniel would’ve be around 16 at the time Jerusalem was taken by Nebuchadnezzar and he was taken to Babylon. Daniel was given an education and offered food from the king, but he refused the food so he would not be defiled. Daniels name was changed to Belteshazzar which was a Babylonian name. He also had three friends with him, their names were Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael, their names were changed to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendego who wer later known as the men thrown in the fiery furnace for not worshipping the idol. Daniel was later accused of worshipping God instead of the king of Babylon which got him thrown into the den of lions, God was with Daniel in the den and he shut the mouths of the lions, saving Daniels life. Daniel, in his later years, becomes a prophet and prophecies many future events. The book of Daniel is also said to have been written by

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