
Analytical Essay: Pirate Informational

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Pirate Informational Essay Piracy is a concept that intrigues us all. Over time we he developed an idea of what piracy is like, such as the elaborate ships at sea, digging for treasure, and walking the plank. However, piracy has a long, rich history. There is much more to it than the romanticized storybook ideas of treasure maps and men with eyepatches and peg legs. To begin with, pirating has a very rich, and long history that traces back to ancient Greek times. With the progression of trade between empires came the development of piracy. The oldest mention dates back to 1350 B.C. Inscriptions on a clay tablet describe Mediterranean ships being attacked in North Africa. Greek merchants that traded in Phoenician and Anatolian …show more content…

The act of piracy began to increase in popularity in the 1300’s, due to the progression of technology in ships. In addition, privateers also became increasingly popular. In many cases, robbing ships at sea was no longer illegal. In the 1500’s Queen Elizabeth The First hired privateers to attack Spanish ships. North African pirates could be licensed to attack English ships. These people were privateers. They would not be punished by the law for robbing or attacking the ships that they were assigned to. However, there were still a large amount of illegal pirates sailing the seas. The North coast of Africa became an area infamous for piracy in the early sixteenth century. These pirates were called Barbary Corsairs, or Barbary Pirates. They operated off of the Barbary coast. Buccaneers were another type of pirate. They originated from French, Dutch, and English sailors that fled their countries to evade the law. They gradually became more and more powerful, gaining possession of a large amount of the Caribbean/Central and South America. They began to come together in the 1600’s. “United in their hatred of the Spanish, the buccaneers formed a loose knit

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