
Essay about Analysis of an Automobile During and After a Crash

Decent Essays

In this section we discuss how can we improve the force impact, improve the safety of passenger and reduce the weight.

Normal paper can’t carry heavy things, but by some Technique we can make it.

Safety cell and crumple zone:
According to a British Insurance Research study: 65% were in front impacts, 25% rear impacts, 5% left side, and 5% right side. So it is important to improve absorbing energy of impact force in front and rear vehicle by crumple zone, and protect passenger compartment by Safety cell.

Crumple zone: crumple zones: front and rear areas of a vehicle that are create to deform and crumple during a traffic collision, by controlled the deformation,to absorb force without affecting the …show more content…

On the other hand, none of the damage reach to the passenger compartment, the crumple zone did its job

Example of old car didn’t have crumple zone or Safety cell

Safety cell:
The Safety cell has crumple zone at both ends and a 'cage' in the passenger compartment. As the crumple zones absorb energy from crushing See figure (3.1), it helps the car slow down the impact and Safety cell prevent the rest of impact energy and crumple zone parts from entering the passenger compartment. Figure (3.1) how Mercedes Benz cars distribute the crash impact to chassis not to Safety cell were passenger are.

Safety cell made from Ultra High Strength Steel and high technique structure to save the passengers. Engineers have selected special materials even designs that make vehicles much safe. It very stronge against deformation so everythings inside Safety cell will be protacted from crush. Material are over 50% stronger than a 100 years ago, that’s help us to build Safety cell with high Specifications and Standards that serve our interests

Floor frame construction

Unlike lots conventional designs that care frontal crash energy simply to the lower force-bearing structures in the front end, the Advanced Compatibility Engineering (ACE) system actively displace front

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