
Analysis of Turmoil in Iraq Essay examples

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Iraq is a Middle-Eastern country of diversity and turmoil. The people of Iraq, coming from ethic groups such as Kurdish, Arab, Turkoman, and Assyrian, and holding a nearly 97% Muslim population (CIA World Fact Book), remain a lost peoples fighting to create their new country without the tyranny of the past quarter century.

The beginning of the reformation of Iraq started in 1979 with the Iranian revolution, during which major changes were made in the U.S.'s policies concerning Iraq, and the beginning of Saddam Hussein's over two decade long presidency. Also in this year began the Iranian hostage crisis when Americans were held in the U.S. embassy in Tehran for over a year. Iraq was then listed on the State Departments list of …show more content…

Both the CIA and the State Department reported that Iraq continued to develop chemical and biological weapons. Because of this, all international banks suspended all loan activity with Iraq; however the Bush administration issued National Security Directive 26, which guaranteed a $1 billion dollar loan that would create the cash needed for Iraq to create weapons of mass destruction.

On August 2, 1990, the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait began and the history of the Gulf War unfolded. The history of Iraq continues until the new century as one of turmoil, deception and violence. At the turning point Iraq holds today, its decision of a governmental system will ultimately determine its future and future successes as an internationally respected nation. With it's new government, the diverse cultures and peoples of Iraq, instead of being alienated and controlled as in the former governmental system, need to be fairly represented and hold power within themselves in a local government and a strong, unified central government over that--all of which would be created with a strong constitution.

Iraq's new government should be a democracy that pays attention to the needs of the diversity within its borders. There should be a strong

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