
Analysis of So Mexicans are Taking Jobs from Americans by Jimmy Santiago Baca

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So Mexicans are Taking Jobs from Americans In “So Mexicans are Taking Jobs from Americans,” Jimmy Santiago Baca defends and shuts down the stereotype of Mexican workers. Many Americans hold resentment towards Mexicans presence in the work force, and believe that they are taking jobs away. However, many Americans don’t realize that these Mexican workers fill jobs that others do not want and are usually paid less than an American would be paid. In the beginning of the poem Baca addresses the American stereotype of Mexicans taking jobs from Americans in a very sarcastic manner. He then continues by telling the truth, that Mexicans are actually not taking jobs. He explains how Mexicans come to America to make a living for their family, which …show more content…

Baca later discuses how the Mexican workers are portrayed on the news saying: “a tongue paddles through flashing waves/ of light bulbs, of cameramen, rasping/ ‘they’re taking our jobs away.’” (15-17) Here imagery and symbolism has a strong impact on the reader. This stanza symbolizes the older generations and their opinions on the misconception that Mexicans are taking away jobs. The use of the word “rasping” suggest that the person talking is older and trying to catch his breath while talking. In modern day society, media plays a huge part on peoples day-to-day life. The media is able to portray a person, or groups of people in various ways to make the audience either empathize for them, or feel apathetic towards them. Baca suggest that instead of the media portraying these Mexicans as robbers stealing “our” jobs, that they tell the brutal truth. The children are dead already. We are killing them, this is what America should be saying; on TV, in the streets, in offices, should be saying, “we aren’t giving the children a chance to live.”(38-41) Baca shows that without these jobs, Mexicans aren’t able to feed their children. “We are killing them.” Bacas bluntness in this line deeply impacts the reader, and helps the reader see the problem in a different light. By saying “we” instead of “they” Baca is placing the blame on everyone, not just those who agree that Mexicans are taking away jobs.

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