
Essay Analysis of Pinocchio and Toy Story

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Analysis of Pinocchio and Toy Story

Recently I have been watching two Disney films on completely different sides of the Disney timeline. “Pinocchio” was made in 1940 using cell animation with the story taken from an existing folk tale. “Toy Story” was made in 1995 and it was the first computer generated feature film. This created a whole new genre of computer-animated films such as “Finding Nemo” and the recent “Incredibles”. Both of these films use a toy as the main character and as always they both fit into the conventions of any Disney film.

The narrative structure of both films is in some way similar as both of the main characters are separated from home and the films involve them trying …show more content…

The good characters in “Pinocchio” are very stereotypical such as Gepetto. He is a typical homely grandfather figure. Jiminy Cricket adds guidance and humour to the film and finally the Blue Fairy is added for beauty with bright ora. On the other hand Sid’s toys in “Toy Story” are very unattractive, and at first we are led to believe they are evil, but in fact they save Woody and Buzz. This shows that you should never judge on appearance. As we have good characters there are also evil characters. They are usually portrayed in very stereotypical ways such as an evil laugh or an ugly exterior. Some examples of this is Stromboli the circus owner in “Pinocchio” who is large and intimidating. His eyes are frightening and he is most definitely greedy. Honest John is also evil; he is a sly and cunning fox with a pun on his name. In “Toy Story” the only bad character is Sid. He is horrible, ugly (a brace and an evil laugh) and even he destroys toys. But as in every Disney film the good will eventually overcome the evil.

Another Disney convention is that there are always some “Disney Values” in each picture. In “Pinocchio”, “Toy Story” and even “Finding Nemo” one of the morals is that there is no place like home. The “Toy Story” morals are “Not to be jealous” and “Be happy with what

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