
Analysis of Pervasive Developmental Disorders

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Every day we take for granted the small things we could do like communicate, interact and learn. Imagine a life where you struggled to communicate, interact, listen and understand every day. It would make it impossible to tell your friends how great the latest movie was, or for a toddler to say their special first words to their parents. Children with the autism struggle to communicate and interact their entire lives. Autism, an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex development disability which presents itself during the first three years of a person’s life. ASD is a category that includes 5 different disorders: autistic disorder, pervasive development disorder, Retts Syndrome, child disintegrative disorder, and Asperger syndrome …show more content…

Glutamate receptors are responsible for the glutamate-meditated post-synaptic excitation of neural cells. They are very important for neural communication, learning, memory formation, and regulation. It is shown in recent studies that mGluR 5 reduces repetition and anxiety-like behavior in mice (10). The question is most commonly asked; how will these studies on the mGluR 5 antagonist, Arbaclofen, help our autistic children today? The studies found in the drug Arbaclofen can help the autistic children of today by focusing on the core symptoms of autism. Being an antagonist of mGluR 5, Arbaclofen has the ability to reduce the symptoms of autism and any other ASD (11). Therefore, autistic children taking the drug will be able to communicate better, and it will curtail repetitive behavior and social challenges. Every finding is one step closer for families to see their child reach their full potential. Families will be able to emotionally share with their child lessening the stress and emotional toll having an autistic child can bring. With these findings, scientist and doctors can be led to more and can possibly find a cure to autism one day. Every finding is a small step toward a cure. In the near future when I

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