
Analysis: Why College Athletes Should Be Paid

Decent Essays

College is a stimulating time for students, and all the madness begins before the semester even starts. Time is spent gathering books, reading the required material before starting the class, rummaging through the stores for school supplies, getting your apartment/dorm set up, working to pay for life, and much, much more. But, being in college is a altered world for college athletes. Their time in college is devoted to learning but equally devoted to the sport they play. A student athlete doesn’t have time for a job, puts their body on the line every day, and doesn’t have any extra time. College sports bring in billions of dollars each year through marketing, broadcast contracts, ticket sales and merchandising so, why aren’t college athletes receiving a salary? …show more content…

For every college sport, there is a preseason, a period of time before the season starts to prepare the team for their upcoming season. During this time, the athlete has a million and one things to do. They have to mentally and physically prepare themselves for the upcoming season, either it be by running, participating in extensive workouts, attending practice every day, or studying the playbook. According to Celia Balf, the writer of Inside the preseason life of a DI Athlete, “The schedule during preseason goes like this: Wake up early, eat a light breakfast in the locker room, practicing or running, lunch, if you're lucky nap time on your uncomfortable bed, practice, dinner, and then bedtime.” Could you imagine trying to squeeze in a job? And this is just a sample of the preseason schedule, college not included. With college athletes not having time to work, money is very scarce. College athletes work extremely hard to play their best, please their community, and maintain a life. These hard working individuals deserve compensation for all their hard

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