
Analysis: Was I Entitled Or Should I Apologize?

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Is It Guilt or Anger That Create the Solution Throughout both “Was I Entitled or Should I Apologize? Affirmative Action Going Forward” by Anita Allen and “Affirmative Action as a Majoritarian Device: Or, Do You Really Want to be a Role Model?” By Richard Delgado, the themes of personal integrity, guilt, and the lack of white America’s consciousness is discussed in relation to affirmative action. Although both articles are written by minorities and hit on the negative effects that those benefitting from affirmative action deal with, Allen strongly supports the concept through the lens of guilt that she suffers, while Delgado believes it is an unhelpful process created by the government to ensure that minorities never truly get ahead. By comparing the two different opinions in these …show more content…

Within “Was I Entitled or Should I Apologize? Affirmative Action Going Forward, ”After explaining conservative counter arguments, Allen firmly states her feeling about affirmative action when says, “They say affirmative action is wrong. Personally, I do not agree with them” (254). Although Allen supports affirmative action, her essay centers around her struggle with guilt that she feels for being on the receiver’s end of affirmative action. Through this portrayal of guilt, she produces compassion from the reader. As she describes, this guilt occurs because of some popular arguments against affirmative action. Some believe that affirmative action is “divisive in relation to the social and political scene in America,” hasn’t’ created any lasting progress, benefits only African Americans, affects individual’s self-esteem, and most importantly, as she states, “Violates ideals of colorblind policies, offending moral principles of fairness and constitutional principles of equality and due

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