The Detriment of our society
Michael Rose
Advanced Placement literature Mrs. Williams
The Detriment Of Our Society
Thesis: Affirmative action is absurd because it is counterproductive, results in mismatching, creates more complex issues, and is condescending.
Affirmative action is counterproductive
Devalues american accomplishments address the counterargument
Targets social groups rather than qualifications, and assertions violates constitution because It gives minorities an unequal advantage
Promotes quotas idealizes that corporate america, and colleges must prioritize ethnicity over all else. reaffirms social inequality within aspects of society
Affirmative action is not improving equality but
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The paper was submitted last year to Mrs. Whittington, but still needs a lot of work. The format of the heading is wrong. Please look up MLA formatted papers. Also, never use first person in a formal paper.Use Roman Numerals when identifying the class.
Michael Rose
Mrs Williams
AP English 4
The Detriment Of Our Society
For years, minorities, and subgroups, have longed to feel a sense of equality in society. Many activist such as Dr. Martin Luther king, Malcolm X, and others have progressed this issue. The solution is what is commonly referred to as affirmative action;however, years have passed and affirmative action has turned into an extraneous debate. Affirmative action is a policy that regulates the allocation of positions in the education field, employment field, and business field, to people that belong to certain population groups. Affirmative action is absurd because it is counterproductive, results in mismatching, creates more complex issues, and is condescending,. Affirmative action is not the solution to social injustice, infact it a mere dissolution of what the solution
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This means that our institution’s are wasting money on educating individuals that will not stimulate any money into our nation. This is not just a simple waste of money it is a waste of childs institution. It is better for a student to go to a lower ranking university than for that student to just attend a university on the basis of the quota. The same goes for our workforce as we are employing minorities despite them not being the best applicants. We are wasting money by giving them checks for the lackluster work that they have the ability to complete. Big businesses contribute to the nations economy and as they are cheated so is the economy. Primarily it is government business’ that aggressively target quotas to make sure they are meeting certain standards. This is a major fault in society because money is being stricken from the government which in turn is the tax payers dollars. In lieu of all the effects of mismatching and the detrimental impact it imposes, we are on a road to destruction. It is the idealism that mismatching imposes that causes this mismatching theory, and because of it America is suffering
Power is the ability to control. This book is about Tom Robinson accused of rape. Tom is black and is going through an arduous time period for people of color. In this case Tom ended up being guilty.
In the controversial realms of affirmative action, the largest issue staunchly fought over is whether minorities should be given preferential treatment in the workplace and in the schools. One side declares that those in the minority group need and deserve governmental aid so that they will be on equal footing with the majority group. Opponents of affirmative action point out that setting apart groups based on their race or ethnicity is purely racism and can lead to reverse discrimination. I am against affirmative action for the aforementioned reasons, and would not consider such racism as necessary for creating a healthy society, as proponents would insist. It is my belief that affirmative action today is out of date and is
Affirmative action is a necessary discrimination in today’s society because qualified individuals are given an opportunity they may not have received without it. Affirmative action mandates that minority populations be considered for positions. While this may mean that more qualified candidates, whether it be for a university or employment position, are passed over for acceptance for someone who is less qualified due to race or gender, it is necessary for now because of the history of discrimination in this country.
This case shows how men and women of all races can be affected by the two headed monster called affirmative action. Affirmative action was established so that members of society such women, minorities or those with handicaps would be guaranteed an honest opportunity to achieve goals, professions or pursue higher education without discrimination. However, when a person’s sex, nationality, social settings and race compete against one another even those the act is intended to protect become
Proponents of affirmative action believe that it is a necessary step toward racial equality. Opponents argue on the basis of “reverse racism,” which claims that affirmative action keeps certain members of the majority ethnic group out of jobs or other positions that they deserve solely because of quotas that must be filled. The positive effects of affirmative action are the basis behind the arguments of those who support considering ethnicity and race as a part of admissions.
The lifelong dream of a virtuous student, acceptance into a prestigious college of choice, crushed by the prejudice of a single law. Hopes upon hopes of attaining one’s dream job, demolished due to the same impassive law. Affirmative action, a national dilemma, continues to crush the dreams of many across the country; although meant with noble intentions, affirmative action offers an ineffective, impractical, and useless rectification to correct a historical social evil, the growing imbalance of different ethnicities. Instead of augmenting this common problem, affirmative action plays a critical role in reverse discrimination, equating race to diversity in opinion, and destroying the idea of meritocracy.
What some people think of courage is doing something without having fear. Others see courage as standing up for something that you believe in. Harper Lee takes both of these definitions and use them in her writing. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses the children, Boo Radley, and Atticus Finch to demonstrate that courage is more than being brave, but also standing up for what you believe in despite the risk and sacrifice.
Discrimination against race, gender, religion, or other social characteristics is occurring in all parts of the United States almost every day. Unfortunately, the U.S. has a history of extreme case of discrimination, which has evoked controversy and in worse cases, violence. To discourage any more of adverse discernment towards certain individuals, the Federal government has imposed legislation called affirmative action. According to At Issue: Affirmative Action, “Affirmative action is designed to promote access to opportunities in education, employment, housing, and government contracts among certain designated groups, such as women and minorities“ (At Issue). This law is necessary in today’s society in order to maintain equality and
Systematic oppression and discrimination against people of color and immigrants have placed these ethnic groups in present positions that fail to provide them with the necessary resources and opportunities to maximize their full potential.Questions, however, start to surface about the fairness of holding the American government and society responsible/accountable for the persecution that African Americans and other minorities were submitted to. Although the past American society and government did play roles in the suppression of the minorities throughout American history, the current American government and society are now completely different entities. Comprised of a variety of people from a multitude of backgrounds, the present day American government and society differs greatly from their predecessors. If advocates of affirmative action justify it as a form of compensation, then the usage of Affirmative action accepts and condones the idea of retribution. It is unfair to hold the new diverse generation of Americans responsible for past persecution and injustices committed by past
The issue at hand is if affirmative action is necessary. Does America need it? Is it fair? Is it actually helping minorities get ahead? Is affirmative action causing “reverse discrimination?” The targeted audience seems to be major corporations and education administrators. The main point of their thesis is affirmative action helps minority groups gain access to education and jobs that they would not usually have access to. The purpose of this article is to inform their audience why affirmative action is a necessary policy to have.
Today, it is shown how affirmative action has negatively effects jobs, academics, politics, business, and society. ”(Mario B. Rojas,
The unequal treatment brought on by affirmative action brings us to the second argument against it: Affirmative action itself violates the principles of equality. The main goal behind affirmative action is to ensure that all individuals are treated equally, not to create more inequality. However, white individuals are simply used as a means to an end and unfortunately more discrimination is created. If we were to take a look at both analogies above, the white male was treated
Affirmative action can create the illusion that it benefits blacks because they are getting preferred from the crowd. For instance, affirmative action can help a black individual either get a job or help a student get into college. If an employer is indecisive about choosing to hire a black individual or another person who has the same experience, possibly even more, the employer can be forced to hire the black individual because they have to meet a quota. Author Shelby Steele explain why these quotas are in place, “Preferential treatment
For over forty years the issue of affirmative action has been subject to a tremendous amount of debate and controversy. Affirmative action policies and programs seek to redress and eliminate past and present discrimination based on race, religion, gender, ethnicity, or sexuality; and therein lies the controversy, as much of the opposition to affirmative action argues that it creates reverse discrimination. Affirmative action is beneficial in assuring that women and minority groups don’t assume rolls of inferiority amongst society; and it encourages positive action to ensure that qualified candidates for employment positions and admissions to universities are given equal opportunity and consideration. The issue of affirmative action has become
Affirmative action is described in sociology as, policies and programs that aim to avoid discrimination and redress past discrimination through the active recruitment of qualified minorities for jobs, promotions, and educational opportunities. (i.e. Exp. Soc., pg 280). In other words, the law was put in place as an attempt to create pluralism in the United States structure of opportunity. When describing affirmative action, the generalized assumption is individuals being handed opportunities based only on their ethnicity. Whether or not that opinion rings through to the majority, consider the events that lead to the enactment of affirmative action in the first place.