
Analysis Of Where Are You Going Where Have You Been

Decent Essays

Prompt 4: Joyce Carol Oates uses music in “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” in different ways: both to develop her characters, to suggest the world they live in and even to help structure certain scenes. Examine how music operates thematically and structurally in her story.

How music accompanies; character development and scene structure in “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been.” By Joyce Carol Oates

Joyce Carol Oates has used the power of music thematically, to structure scenes, and characterize the characters in her short story, “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been”. Music is greater than something to “depend upon”; it’s therapy, an escape, a way to connect with people. The protagonist of “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” is characterized by music, while she uses music to fill the voids that are not filled with love, family, and support.
Music is an integral part of our identity, and an instrumental tool to free one’s mind of heartache. Connie’s love for “hard, fast, shrieking” music is reflected in her personality. She offers readers clues to why she is susceptible to a predator like Arnold Friend. Connie’s self-obsession makes her hesitant to keep her distance from the attention Arnold glorifies her with. The ‘Con’ in ‘Connie’ suggests self-deception and hints to the demise Arnold seeks.
Through the reference of a well known music icon sparks the theme of the imbalance of gender power. Oates dedicated her short story to Bob Dylan, this

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