
Analysis Of What Night Brings By Carla Trujillo

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In What Night Brings, the author creates the character of Marci as this young girl with a very curious mind, which as a reader one could see that her intuition about life and the way people respond to her make her question honesty and the way adults try to hide things from children. This leads her to discovering the reality and the reasoning behind why adults act the way they do. Carla Trujillo writes this novel using a first person view, using the voice of Marci, who is an 11 year old pre lesbian, catholic. The author takes the reader on a journey of Marci’s development in discovering her sexuailty, to what her beliefs are, and the despise she has towards her father. Not only does the author express these feelings, she also indicates how …show more content…

She has a hard time understanding how so many people can be invested into asking God for help even when they don’t receive answers right away, and why their faith is so strong, “I mean why keep asking for something if you never get it? If i’m supposed to have faith, like Sister ‘Lizabeth says, then how do I keep having it? How does everyone else?” (Trujillo 123). While Marci is quite young, she has a brilliant open mind, and as a child she is quickly to question things she does not understand. As she constantly hears her father call her uncle a “jotito,” while knowing he is a church man, who goes to church for other reasons. Readers gather on the fact that the uncle is gay and has sexual relations with the priest, also gathering that the word “jotito” is an insultive way to say that one is gay. Here one can tell that Marcia’s heterosexual parents do not accept or even respect the gay community. Without Marci knowing the meaning behind the word “jotito” or even why she found her uncle and the priest in the same confessional, she knew something was strange about that situation. Marci as young as she is, does not know the explicit meaning behind her sexuality or the sexuality of others. What she does know, is that all her life, she has seen a man and a woman together, and this is the only way …show more content…

It’s like she knew that everything everyone said regarding that world was a lie. And in a way she had a clear understanding of it, she just needed someone else to confirm it. Due to her father’s abuse, Marci doubts that no matter the amount of times she asks for help, he will continue to come back and ruin their lives. How is one supposed to have faith if none of things one asks is being accomplished? Everyone around Marci was always looking at the upside of things when it came to topics about God, her parents influenced her to continue catechism but would rarely go to church themselves, they allowed abuse and cursing but didn’t allow their daughters to act out as well. The way Trujillo writes the viewpoint of the parents comes to play with how America’s system works. Most people in America are forward into believing that adults belief is right, whatever the mother and the father say is whats to be done, not realizing their actions reflect on those around them, most importantly their children. So if one, in this case Marci is observing the abuse, the lies, the negativity around her, and then told to “act right”, of course the child is not going to know what that even means. Marci still understood what sinning was, as she was taught in church, and she knew her strong feelings towards her dad was a sin. She did not act out on her hatred unless

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