Sinclair Cameron
November 20th 2015 Primary Document Analysis
Document #1 depicts Virginia Plantation life in 1800. Detailed in this painting is the master slave relationship. It shows a white master having power over his African American slave – one female and one male. This painting is called Luxuries which in this depiction shows luxuries related to sex and power. That is, a white master, having sexual relations with black female and discipline African American man without any impediments. It can be inferred that that white master or white overseer is in complete control.
In Document #2, Alex de Tocqueville, a French lawyer and statesman traveling through the United States examining the prison system describes race relations in the United States during the early part of the nine-tenth century. He notes that there are several unequal power relationship being carried out in America. Tocqueville’s observations of Native Americans, European settlers, and African slaves are noteworthy. He notes distinctions between the three races in four areas: levels of happiness, lack of birth right, physical features and appearance as well as language and habits. Tocqueville concludes that each while they suffer the same fate and not related to one other. Therefore, but they equally writhe the outcome of tyranny and if their mistaken were not similar their create were from similar writers. However their sorrows are unlike. According to torquille, African
The relationship of power featured in “Virginian Luxuries” is merely a master/slave relationship. The picture is self-explanatory. It only shows how the black people no matter of sexes are exploited by their master. Black slaves were the victims of coerced labor, overwork, abuse, and mistreatment. However, male black slave were to work out in the field assisting the farming business while female were usually limited inside the house doing
The Virginian Luxuries shown a relationships between slaves and their master. This illustrates the power in gender and race that a whites males had over African American women and man. The left of the picture have a wealthy plantation owner who used his female’s slaves as a temporary companion for his sexual pleasures, and if there is any resistance physical beating usually
Why didn't Virginia turn to slavery as a system of labor immediately upon the arrival of African slaves in 1619? What factors led to the more gradual introduction of slavery into Virginia?
Relationships of power that featured in “Virginian Luxuries” (Document 1) include the relation between white power and African American slaves. On the left side of the portrait, their seems to be a white male kissing an enslave women, which is very ironic during this time period. On the left side of the portrait, it seems to be a white slave
The limitation of this book is that this book could only dedicate about 10 pages in the slavery in Virginia. Since it covered so much time period, some details were overlooked.
In the antebellum south, the Large Plantation – agricultural way of life dominated the whole society. Only 25% of white southerners owned slaves and most did not live in mansions but in dark, cramped, two-room cabins. Cotton was the crucial cash crop of the South, but it was not the only crop grown there. Corn, sugar, rice, and tobacco were also grown – but Cotton was king, and the most labor intensive of all these crops. Not only was the South reliant on cotton, but the northern factories relied on the raw material as well as England. The South was the world’s largest producer and from 1815 to 1860 it represented over ½ the U.S. exports.
People are judged through their actions and characteristics, but racism can easily blur a person’s perspective. In Almost Free: A Story About Family and Race in Antebellum Virginia, Samuel Johnson, a former slave, fights for his freedom with the help of influential white friends he made throughout his life. Eventually he buys his freedom and petitions the court to stay in Virginia, where his family resides. Even after emancipated, he works hard to free his family and petitions the court in their cause. Despite his relationships, family values, and law abiding, Samuel Johnson’s skin color ultimately acts as boundary in his Virginia society.
People used religion as a way to justify the act of slavery. They believed that God determined people’s places in life, so slavery was considered a “misfortune” controlled by God and not a social evil (Shi and Tindall, 91). Africans were also seen as “heathens” which lead people to believe that they had the right to enslave the Africans (Shi and Tindall, 92) The Africans brought the skills they had in Africa with them which made them very desirable in the American economy. Also, there was the creation of the slave code allowed slave owners more control over their slaves activates and movements (The Virginia Slaves
The historical records of the 1640s show the beginning and growth of African slavery in the Chesapeake area. The constantly growing of tobacco planting caused a higher demand for labor, resulting in an increase in African slavery and indentured servants. The condition for black and white servants varied sharply. The white indentured servants started getting an improved status while the black servants began losing more freedoms. A Virginia law of 1662 also caused a rise in the number of slaves because it stated that the status of the offspring followed that of the mother. This means that any children of a slave woman and a white man would live as a slave, which led to an increase in the sexual abuse of slave women. The shift from white indentured
Slavery was caused by economic factors of the English settlers in the late 17th century. Planters primarily relied on indentured servitude, in order to facilitate their need for labor. Before the 1680's, Indentured Servitude was the primary source of labor in the newly developed colonies but after the 1680's, the population of the Indentured Servants decreased, exponentially. The Seventeenth century in Virginia was an unruly and rebellious time as the labour force, being both white and some black servants, was becoming more and more disloyal.
S.E. Hinton; An Intelligent Woman “How a piece ends is very important to me. It's the last chance to leave an impression with the reader, the last shot at 'nailing' it. I love to write ending lines; usually, I know them first and write toward them, but if I knew how they came to me, I wouldn't tell,” Said Susan Eloise Hinton. Many of Hinton's books are in a male point of view. Hinton is a strong, independent woman that has strong feelings for writing.
Have certain interrogatories popped in your head repeatedly? How do we know if someone hears us beyond the grave? Can they determine if I died of natural causes or did someone cut my life thread short? Never really thought about it have you? Well, if you did or not the answer is yes people!!! There are people who are adamant about understanding what caused our life to take a quick or long turn to the big paradise in the sky or the land of milk and honey as most people heard and proffered. They are the superheroes, advocates for the dead, Forensic Pathologist is the name. They hold the most important jobs in the world, because like I said before they are insistant with knowing what or whom triggered your expiration date? Ha just a little humor for my comedy readers, yes you may have heard or be familiar of this occupation on Law and Order, Law and Order Criminal Intent, Law and Order SVU, CSI, etc.
While slavery was a horrific thing that led to the mistreatment of millions of black people, it had the power to last for centuries. When looking closely at historical accounts it becomes easier to see why this horrible practice was able to sustain for so long. One of the reasons was because the economy of Colonial America relied heavily on the labor of slaves. Farming, the slave trade itself, and the harsh treatment of slaves were all driven by the greed of slave owners. Another reason that slavery lasted so long was racism. During this time, the black population was considered inferior to the white population. This helped to promote the cruel behaviors that occurred in slavery. Lastly, many whites actually felt that the slaves were treated
It will also seek to identify the nature of sexual relationships between masters and their slaves. Jacobs describes an incident when at about 12 years old her mistress had died . She explains that she and her mistress had an amicable relationship. Her mistress had taught her that God’s word required one to love one’s neighbor as themselves and hoped that her mistress would release her from bondage. Her mistress had however bequeathed her to her five year old niece. This act caused her much grief and made it clear that her late mistress did not quite consider her a neighbor.
In Search of the Promised Land: A Slave Family In The Old South by John Hope Franklin and Loren Schweninger outlines a very unique African American family living in Nashville, TN accounting tales of the trials and tribulations that Sally Thomas, the mother, and her sons had to go through; and how in the end she accomplished her goal. The authors excellently executed the life of this family in an informational and intriguing text by explaining and comparing the different lives and classes of slaves back in that century through Sally and her son’s stories.The detail and the historical pictures in the text help give life and a sense of “realness” and credibility to the situations given to help breathe life into the story, making the story easier to understand and believe.