
Analysis Of Under The Influence By Joyce Maynard

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Entry #1
Knowledge #2List the characters and describe them.

In the story Under the Influence by Joyce Maynard there are three main characters so far Ava, Helen, and Swift. The story begins with Helen, who is the main character, she is lost at the beginning of the story and she has a son name Ollie who she is separated from and an ex husband. Ava is Hellens friend who she meets at work and becomes her close friend and advisor. Swift is Ava’s husband who is described as a romantic husband.

Comprehension #11 Tell in your own words the beginning of the book.

In the beginning of the book Helen the main character of the story begins talking about her life including that she is a photographer or wants be, but is currently only doing part time jobs.She also says she has a child named Ollie who doesn't live with her, and that she is divorced. Helen then meets Ava, a woman in her 40s who is handicap, at one of her catering jobs who later invites Helen to her house. Nothing is really known about Helen's social life or her family until she speaks to Ava. Although Ava doesn’t ask her Helen eventually breaks and tells Ava everything. She talks about everything that happened to her and why Ollie wasn’t a part of her life. The reader then learns that after Helen divorced Dwight Ollie’s father she would drink a cup of wine at night while Ollie was already asleep to help relax, however one night Ollie stomach was hurting and had to go to the hospital, however Helen had a cup of

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