
Analysis Of Ultron

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As Ultron stumbles half made into the banquet room of Tony Stark’s tower, he has a vision he will pursue no matter who or how many people he will use and/or hurt. Avengers: Age of Ultron opens with people staring at Loki’s (the villain of the last movie) scepter encased in some type of energy shield. The screen goes white to reflect the snow and ice on the ground as we see explosions and dirt flying through the snowy air as Iron Man flies past. the fight sequence that ensues with the avengers getting introduced by seeing them as a team fighting soldiers dressed in white chamoflage. The truck that Hawkeye and Blackwidow were driving hits a barricade in the ground and they jump out but as they do time slows down and shows almost all of the …show more content…

Ultron’s vision was to save the world which what he was programed to do but he saw that humanity itself was the reason so he wanted to destroy humanity and build anew. The cool thing about Ultron was that because he was a Artificial Intelligence he could implant his mind into multiple robot bodies so if one was destroyed another would takes its place and he was able to do this because he was connected to the World Wide Web. Now Ultron had the idea to use the city of Seoul, South Korea to rise of the ground and plunge back to earth like the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs killing everyone on the planet. All throughout the movie we see a romance forming and finally coming to a head between Black Widow and Bruce Banner (Hulk). The avengers returning from their first fight with ultron to Hawkeyes family home to lay low and think of a new plan,while there Tony is asked to fix the families tractor and from behind the tractor comes Nick Fury the old director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and tells this rousing speech to Tony about how he is the only one who can take Ultron …show more content…

With the mind stone in their possession stark and banner accidently created the Vision a representation of Ultrons plans but instead of being evil like ultron, He was the one thing the team needed to defeat the twins and Ultron but before the final battle the twins realized what Ultron was trying to do and turned against him saying that he was a monster and needed to be stopped. The final battle was not going well with hawkeye and Scarlet Witch pinned down in a desecrated building with the scarlet witch about to go through a mental breakdown hawkeye used his fatherly instinct to bring her back to stable mind or as stable as she could be fighting robots. At the end of the battle everything seems to be alright because Ultron has been destroyed between Stark, Vision and Thor’s lighting and the citizens getting away from the city on helicarriers and yet to lose one of the members of the team and then have the others leave all but two is hard to handle and will definitely have to watch the movie to see what happens

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