
Analysis Of Truth Is The Lie We Tell To Our Self By Rick Rigsby

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Visualize your doctor giving you an atrocious news that you were going to die in less than 6 minutes. Would you be proud to die even if no one is ever prepared for that circumstance? “There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So, you'd better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you'll never understand what it's saying. By Sarah Dessen,.” What do you do on your own spare time is very essential to how do you lived? by Rick Rigsby. As I look into the picture Truth is the Lie We Tell to Our self by Robert Lupton’s we tend to be untruth to ourselves about what we really do behind curtains and our disconnection. To begin with, as we look deeply into the picture we see a young guy who might be around his …show more content…

Simon Sinek stated almost every alcoholic discovered alcohol when they were teenagers. When we are very young the only approval we need is the approval of our parents and as we go through adolescence we make this transition where we now need the approval of our peers. As seen in the picture two phones which he keeps checking constantly because he is waiting for an approval of a friend or something on social media that will make him feel good but since he can’t find it through the phone, alcohol, gambling comes next. It’s a highly stressful and anxious period of our lives and we are supposed to learn to rely on our friends. Some people, quite by accident, discover alcohol, the numbing effects of dopamine, to help them cope with the stresses and anxieties of adolescence. Unfortunately, that becomes hard wired in their brains and for the rest of their lives, when they suffer significant stress, they will not turn to a person, they will turn to the bottle. Social stress, financial stress, career stress, that’s pretty much the primary reasons why an alcoholic drink. But now because we are allowing unfettered access to these devices and media, basically it is becoming hard wired and what we are seeing is that they grow older. The perfect reason why he seems disconnected because instead of him going to a friend house or at least relax himself, he calls his imagery friend the beer bottle, the gambling, the phone which a huge aspect in our world today because most of us are lacking communication which is killing each and every one of us because loneliness is not a friend but rather a silent

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