
Analysis Of The Story 'Silent Snow, Secret Snow'

Decent Essays

In the story “Silent Snow, Secret Snow” Conrad Aiken talks about a boy named Paul who imagines things and feels his imaginary world is much better than the real world. The story begins when paul is in Miss Buell’s geography classroom where she is teaching about different regions of the globe. Paul gets distracted from his own imagination of snow which he slowly replaces with the real world only to revert to daydreams of snow once again. Everyday Paul feels the snow getting deeper and deeper which he also analyze through the steps of the postman. As the snow gets deeper and deeper he stops hearing the footsteps of the postman. Being concerned about his health, his mother tries to seek help from a doctor. The doctor examines his tongue, eyes, his reading skills but he doesn’t see anything wrong with him. …show more content…

But as Paul is so intensely attached to his imaginary world, he doesn’t talk about his imagination because of the fear of losing it. While the doctor tries to make him speak and help him, he starts hearing sounds which keep him from telling anything to the doctor. He makes an excuse and runs upstairs to his room where he sees the room covered with snow flakes. The blow of snow into his room through his window covers his eyes with a shiny light which looks so dreamy. The voice takes him to an imaginary world. By analyzing Paul’s behavior it looks like Aiden is focusing on a mental disorder called Schizophrenia. “Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand what is real. Common symptoms include false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking, hearing voices that others do not hear, reduced social engagement and emotional expression, and a lack of motivation”( Wikipedia). The central idea is to make readers aware of how a schizophrenic people behaves and acts

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