
Analysis Of The Shallows: What The Internet Is Doing To Our Brain

Decent Essays

Could Books Be the Answer?

Internet usage is damaging our brains and complicating the way we consume information. Your brain is taking a toll from the consistent changing of our neural pathways and endless redirections on the Internet. So the question is, why do we keep doing this to ourselves and falling deeper into an information, consuming hole? Most people are oblivious to the consequences that come with using the Internet, such as, “scattering our minds, lessening our focus, and diminishing our aptitude,” says Kabir Sehgal in his article, The Internet Makes Us Stupid and Here’s Why. Others have an addiction to the Internet and cannot cease, even if they are aware of the consequences, much like drug and alcohol addicts. Books do not cause these negative effects on our brains and could be a positive alternative. …show more content…

The Internet has many distractions taking our concentration away from our focus. “The Internet is an interruption system. It seizes our attention only to scramble it.”, says Nicholas Carr in his book, The Shallows: What The Internet Is Doing To Our Brain. This means that the Internet is like a game and your goal is to stay on task. The average person only remembers around 10% of what they read without distractions anyway. Studies have shown that individuals reading in hypertext don’t retain as much information as other individuals that read the same text out of a book, this is from the constant popup adds, newest fads, and social media distractions interrupting your concentration. Which brings up another problem, retaining

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