
Analysis Of The Semplica Girl Diaries

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Life Differences “The Semplica-Girl Diaries” is a short story in which George Saunders, the author, presents unique ideas of the way people live their life and what each person does to be able to live. The dad, Saunders’ main character, writes in a diary and explains to the readers what he experiences almost every day with his family. He wants to be there for his family and provide for them the best that he can, but it is difficult when he has young children who have desires as any children do. The dad mentions status throughout the short story, and the children are aware that they do not have money like some other people who are around them. Not everyone in the world has the best job and life, because it is not always up to people to make the choices that need to be made for their family. The main character writes in his diary that the setting takes place around “crabgrass and no red Oriental bridge with ancient hoof prints and no outbuildings and not a single SG, but only Ferber, who we’d kind of forgotten about” (Saunders). The main character mentions SG’s, who are girls that are a metaphor for all the underprivileged immigrants and refugees who come to this country to work, survive and support families back home. The reason that SG’s are mentioned by the main character when he is writing in his diary is because unlike his daughter’s friend’s yard, theirs is not as exciting and does not have the SG girls. The immigrant and refugee girls who are outside peoples house

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