
Phillis Wheatley Sparknotes

Decent Essays

Chandler Helmers
Mr. Campbell
English 3 Honors
An Analysis on the work of Phillis Wheatley Phillis Wheatley is a Gambian born African American poet. She was bought off of the slave trade by the Wheatley family from Boston. Her love of writing was influenced by the reassurance of the Wheatley family who taught her how to read and write. The family encouraged her poetry and helped develop her literature skills. Phillis is known for becoming the first published African American poet. Many see her as the first writer to develop a genre of African American literature. Through an analysis of Wheatley’s work we can see how her influential work tends to carry themes from the point of view of American colonists. Her work also contains a general critique of slavery and descriptions of her attitudes towards the circumstances forced upon the enslaved. One of Wheatley’s better known pieces of poetry is “On being brought from Africa to America.” While it is a short poem a lot of information can be taken away from it. She begin the poem with establishing her experience with slavery as a beneficial thing to her life. She makes this clear by telling the reader that slavery brought her to Christianity, an important piece of her life. One reason the subject of Christianity is prevalent in the poem is because as an African American poet not many subjects were “safe” to write about without receiving criticism or even punishment. Christianity, however, was one of the more accepted

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