
Analysis Of The Movie ' Up '

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For this assignment, I chose to watch the movie “Up.” As a young boy, Carl Fredriskon, idolized an explorer by the name of Charles Muntz. Carl has a dream of traveling to South America and exploring the forbidden Paradise Falls, just as Charles did. One day, as Carl is making his way down the street, he hears a young female voice screaming his favorite line “adventure is out there!” Out of curiosity, Carl makes his way into what seems to be a clubhouse belonging to a young girl, Ellie, and he befriends her. She shares with Carl that she also has a desire to relocate her clubhouse to Paradise Falls. Carl and Ellie get married and fix up the old abandoned house, which Ellie had turned into her clubhouse. Carl sells balloons out of a cart for a living with Ellie. As their marriage continues and they try to have children, Carl and Ellie realize that children is not something that they will be able to experience. After finding out this news, the couple decides to begin saving up change and placing it into their jar to save for their trip to Paradise Falls. As the days go by, Carl and Ellie are faced with hardships and home damages, car troubles, and medical bills squeeze the money out of their adventure jar savings. At last, Carl is able to buy tickets to South America so that they are able to fulfill their lifelong dreams and explore Paradise Falls. One day, before they are able to carry out their adventure, Ellie becomes ill and passes away. As anyone who loses their loved one,

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