
Analysis Of The Movie 'Samantha In The Film Her'

Decent Essays

In the movie Her directed by Spike Jonze the characters “Theodore” portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix and “Samantha” voiced by Scarlett Johansson are in a relationship as human and operating system. The movie asks many questions within the plot such as whether Samantha is actually conscious and if their relationship with each other is a legitimate one. Throughout the movie the two are shown progressing romantically and sexually. Even as human and operating system their interactions with other people and the (assumable) end to Theodore and Samantha’s relationship are visible properties to how each progresses. Theodore and Samantha’s relationship is a legitimate one because it develops, fits under the theory of love as valuing, and goes under the definition of a healthy loving relationship.
Theodore decides to buy a new operating system, the OS1 or “Samantha”. The OS1 so intelligent it’s describe in its ads as having a consciousness. Soon enough the communication between Theodore and the operating system leads to him falling in love with Samantha. Through the progression of the OS1’s design, being the …show more content…

With the assumption from the movie that Samantha became a conscious being, evidence from the OS1 being advertised as having a conscious, Samantha being able to empathize with others (such as the scene with Isabella), and become hurt when Theodore says or does something off. Along with developed respect, admiration, and care for Theodore (as well as vice-versa) Samantha shows signs of extended consciousness, reaching levels of a sexuality and love. Their relationship is a healthy and loving one as along as Samantha was unaware of the polyamorous relationships she was involved in. Otherwise, their relationship was completely valid, not only romantically but also

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