
Analysis Of The More Factor By Laurence Shames

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America and Money in Modern Society
In “The More Factor”, Laurence Shames tries to make relations between the concept of America frontier and with American identity, because he believes that Americans have made the economy as their main frontier and have set it as part of their daily lives for centuries. During the Vietnam war, my family were poor and trying to stay alive luckily that my mom and uncle are mixed race allowed to travel to America. As he states, “Economics has become the metaphor on which we pin our hopes of open space and second chances” (Shames 82). I strongly believe that the concept of “more” is still occurring in today society and culture, but today things are much different than before. People now spend more on products that is more than for themselves. They spend their hard earning money on clothes, …show more content…

Shames is trying to emphasize how the economy has become America’s focus. Were people viewing economics as their everything and where they put their hopes for succeeding or having new opportunities to grow wealthier? Over time American values have shifted and broadened to only wanting “more” and “more”. He also mentions that the economy is viewed as an endlessly fertile continent whose boundaries never need to be reached as a domain that could expand in perpetuity (Shames 81). Shames explains that many people think of America as a continent with many resources and full of never ending opportunities for people to succeed in life (81). My family believes that America will give them job opportunities and things they don’t have back home. Since America is seen by others as a land of wealth and opportunities, identify themselves to be rich,

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