
Analysis Of The Metal Contaminant Pollution On Terrestrial Trophic Systems

Better Essays

Matt Fong
November 18, 2016
Section: 02 9 am

Analysis of Metal-Contaminant pollution on terrestrial trophic systems

Ecosystem services and the ecological roles that facilitate such processes are analogous to species diversity. In terms of specie diversity in terrestrial ecosystems specialize species within soil compounds depend on these interactions to facilitate traits exhibiting specific productive ecosystem service. Often studied are specific species that exhibit a strong role in ecosystems by directly balancing energy and material fluxes or influence a biotic condition that facilitate the rate of these processes. A species may facilitates normal ecosystems, however, anthropogenic influence may limit essential roles. Moreover, within terrestrial system, specialized species may exhibit roles that impact vital ecosystems service or aesthetic icons. The role of biodiversity, allows for stronger interactions that may mediate the energy and materials necessary for biological functions of biotic or influence abiotic conditions, for instance inducing disturbance or modifying limiting resources. (Chapin et al 2013) Disturbance alterations, such as metal-contaminants that enter these systems include, but not limited to, fertilizers, mine & smelter byproducts, and industrial emission and effluent. (Calisi et al. 2013) Previous publications have not yet examined community level effects, although studies to date have often focus on bioaccumulation of heavy metals within individual

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