
Analysis Of The Language System

Decent Essays

1) PACS-TOYS Jack is aged 4:6 and is at stage 3 in the PACS-Toys assessment, suggesting he is phonologically delayed by 1;9 years. His phonetic inventory is; [m,n,p,b,t,d,k,g,f,s,w,l,j,ʔ,ʊ,∅]. Jack uses; C.S.V, fronting, C.R, gliding, stopping, glottal insertion, reduplication, tetism, assimilation and vocalisation. The atypical processes are; glottal realisations and tetism. The data signifies, Jack has a major loss in voicing contrasts as his obstruents are often realised as sonorants whilst sonorants are realised appropriately. For example, the word ‘tiger’ [ˈdaɪdə] and the word ‘driver’ [ˈdaɪbə]. Additionally, he loses place contrasts as fricatives are partially realised as plosives whereas plosive targets are realised …show more content…

Additionally, Jack cannot signal a manner contrast as alveolar fricatives become alveolar plosives; /s, z/ [d]. Therefore, the minimal set; ‘chin, shin and sin’ would result in the same realisation of [ˈdɪn]. Furthermore, Jack loses place contrasts when he harmonises the voiced labial-velar approximant, for example, /w/ [d]. This process is eliminated in 3-year-olds. Jack also glides /r/ [w] which is expected and is usually suppressed in 5-year-olds. Additionally, Jack causes meaning changes by deleting initial consonants, for example, ‘hɑnd’ [ˈɑnd]. In SIWI Jack correctly expressed; /m,n,b,d,g,l/ indicating his acquisition of the nasal and plosive place contrasts. However, a chronological mismatch is observed as he used /l, f and j/ appropriately which is developmentally mature for PACS stage 3. Jack has no evidence of SIWI clusters but his pattern of C.R is: 1) Plosive clusters + /l/ singleton plosive. 2) Plosive clusters + /r/ singleton plosives /b or d/. 3) /s/ + plosive/nasal are reduced according to normal patterns. SIWW [n,d,w,ʔ] Processes: C.S.V, fronting, stopping, glottalization, gliding and alveolarisation. Jack shows signs of emerging lingual-labial contrasts. For example, voiced lingual obstruents [d] and the voiceless alveolar plosive [ʔ]. However, C.S.V ensures /t/ is

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