
Analysis Of The Killer Angels By Shaara

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War is a complex event. Many different aspect go into the complicated planning of a war from amount of troops or supplies, layout of land and more. The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara gives a unquestionable vivid image of the Battle of Gettysburg. In this novel it took place in the span of three days and gives us the points of views from both the Union and Confederate armies. Mr. Shaara’s historical accuracy is spot on from the innermost thoughts of the characters to the geographical location and weather descriptions to allow the readers to get a taste of the novel's to the real life events. Passages like “It rained all that night. The next day was Saturday, the Fourth of July.”( ) really can help put yourself right into the perspective of …show more content…

When they got to Little and Big Round tops they see that the army is not on the hills and is in the peach orchard and has no choice but to fight. This ended in a tremendous amount of bloodshed. Chamberlain finally reaches Little Round Top he is told that they way that they are positioned makes it so that they cannot retreat. Forced to fight and eventually runs out of bullets. Chamberlain orders them to charge at the army and the Confederate army flees and he begins to plan the next days attack. July 2, 1863 and now Chamberlain moves his troops to the middle of the Union line. Meanwhile Lee wants to charges at the Union army despite what Longstreet says. The Confederate army began to try and weaken the Union, but the Union begins blowing cannons at the Confederate line. Eventually they began start to shoot with their guns and killing many Confederate lives leading to The confederate army retreats ending The Battle Of …show more content…

The book was historically accurate in all perspectives. This is shown from the location, characters and the thoughts of them. One thing that was a big part of the entire battle was loyalty. In many parts of the book loyalty is shown from the generals and commanders. For example even though Longstreet did not agree with the decisions of Lee he still stayed loyal to his commander and they army by going in with the plan. Shaara captured the essence of the battle that I've never seen before. “Honor without intelligence is a disaster. Honor could lose the war.” (p.133). The one thing I really admire about the way the book was written in such of way that you can change the perspective of the North and South to see how each is reacting to the events going on at the same

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