
Analysis Of The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls

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In the memoir The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, she portrays a dysfunctional family with family members that suffer from mental illness and alcoholism. The raw story telling of Walls puts into perspective the real and shocking obstacles that she overcame. Her determined mind is opened when showing how she tries to cope with her living situation and make it bearable.

Rex Walls was someone Jeannette looked up to at a young age, his research and promise of building her family a “glass castle’ provided her with hope and comfort. He was there to answer any questions her and her siblings would have. Although he was a suffering alcoholic who owes people money which led them to move around frequently. Jeannette didn't know how to swim, while …show more content…

Jeanette's father never builds the “glass castle” which was meant to protect them and give them happiness. “She recalls a time when it was Christmas and rather than a present her father took her out into the desert night and told her to pick out any star in the sky: he was giving her that star for Christmas.” (Irvin, 58) This time was memorable for Jeannette because it was a time when her father was thinking of her and trying to make her happy. “Years from now, when all the junk they got is broken and long forgotten, you’ll still have your stars.” (Walls, 41) Rex says this to justify him not giving the kids any presents and to make him feel better about himself.

When Jeannette was 3 years old she was making hotdogs over a boiling stove then the gas flame on her dress. A neighbor drove Jeannette to the hospital, her father felt as if it was nothing and demanded that she go home. Jeannette enjoyed her visit because she had a clean bed and three meals a day which was the complete opposite from what she experienced living at home. Although the hospital staff is concerned with the living conditions nobody else is alerted. This is an example of dysfunctional parents disregarding the children's

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