
Analysis Of The Book ' World Record Hot Dog Eaters '

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When I was given this assignment I was expecting to end up reading something a little difficult to follow and full of bland material that was written as colorfully as possible, making reading a book about economics bearable. This book was quit the opposite. The book did not consist of GDP, exchange rates, economic trends, international stage, mixed capitalism or finance. Instead, the book told stories of world record hot dog eaters, the similarities between famous musicians and kings, self-driven vehicles, ping-pong competitions, babies bribed with candy, and the discovery of the cause of ulcers. The entire book was based upon how we, as pieces of an economic system, can look at the world and the problems in it from different perspectives. “Think Like a Freak” essentially tries to teach the reader how to do just that; think like a freak. “What Does it Mean to Think Like a Freak?” The beginning chapters in this book sets you up to have an open mind and ask questions about societies perceptions v. reality. The authors challenge the way you think about things whose answers are seemingly obvious. One of my favorite concepts of this book is that it tells you the truth about people that society sometimes causes people not to admit to themselves. For instance, it is sometimes harder to say “I don’t know” when you really don 't know the answer to something than it is to just give a false answer, although you may be well aware that your answer is not 100% correct. The

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