Your Lie in April (四月は君の嘘 - Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso) is an anime series based on the manga by Naoshi Arakawa. The plot follows Kōsei Arima, Kaori Miyazono and Tsubaki Sawabe as they face teenage problems in love, music, and health.
This anime is by far the most depressing series I have ever watched. It 's not just sad, it 's depressing. It 's like watching a group of cursed kids going through traumatic events that will likely make them the most miserable adults possible. The series started with the potential of being one of the great tear-jerkers, but they forgot how to give something resembling happiness to keep the story in the light. At times, it feels like the story, and the characters, are about to emerge from the shadows, only to be pulled back deeper, like a swimmer caught in the ocean desperately trying to reach shore as it 's swept further away by each crashing wave. Due to the constant dark nature of the story, I found the scenes that should have been emotional just blended into the rest of the story, resulting in a story with very little emotional impact. Although, the final two episodes were so emotional that they cut right through all that sadness, which should tell you how fantastic they were. But two unforgettable episodes does make an unforgettable series.
Much of the problem in Your Lie in April stems from the repeated content. Sometimes the beginning of one episode is the same as the final minutes of the previous episode, with a few alterations. This
In “Chapter 2” Irene Hunt focuses on Josh’s plan to leave his home. Howie meets up with Josh after rummaging through trash. Then, Josh tells Howie that he doesn’t want to see Chicago again. Josh believes that his family wants him to leave, and also believes that he and his friend can survive on their own, with the help of their musical talents. Surprisingly, the boys saw Josh’s brother, Joey, approach them. Joey demands that he goes with them. With the help of Howie, Josh who was first not sure about Joey tagging along, allows his brother to join them. Therefore, Josh and Joey pack their clothes and other needed items to join Howie, who was waiting on them with his banjo.
A standout amongst the most fascinating advancements in nineteenth-century American writing school courses as of late has been the presentation of old well known books by ladies to the syllabus. Among works of this kind, E. D. E. N. Southworth 's The Hidden Hand is the book understudies appreciate the most.
In discussions on the topic of lying, a controversial issue has been whether there is justification of lying or not. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of if there is ever a time when a lie can be told for the good of someone else. Whereas some are convinced that lies should never be told, others agree that there are certain instances where lying is acceptable because the liar protects the one lied to. In the essay “The Ways We Lie” by Stephanie Ericsson, she explores the types of lies and how they affect everyday people. In Anton Chekhov’s fictional story, “The Lady with the Dog,” he displays two characters, Dmitri Gurov and Anna Sergeyevna, lying for love and to avoid consequence by their spouses. I stand against lying for the benefit of oneself because I think that it has the ability to ruin relationships or friendships and is hard to keep up the lies which leads to creating more lies. Although some people think that there are circumstances that warrant lying, I claim that no one should lie because lies end up hurting both people involved: the liar and the person lied to.
The thought that Sissela Bok about the “whole truth” being attained is that it is impossible that it can be attained. She believes that people are lying deceived everyone, and sometime is used to protect the person. She also thinks that people that are lying is more important than anything in all of the decision that a simple lie brings. I believe she doesn’t have any faith that everyone could tell the truth. The truth is something that is hard to say, and people at times need to lie to protect their love ones. In the beginning of the chapter of “The Noble Lie” she explains how there are different lies. She explains how the lies have different reasons to for people doing it. For some of those reasons it is impossible to be completely truth. Some have to lie to protect others, and cover up the secrets that can be told. There are plenty reasons that there are to lie to people. She states, “The lies are often seen as necessary merely at one stage in the education of the public.” (Bok 166) This is something that everyone does growing up, and no one in one time of their life cannot lie to anyone.
Scraping By, by Seth Rockman offers an insight to the rarely recorded history of ‘the chronically impoverished, often unfree, and generally unequal Americans whose work made the United States arguably the most wealthy, free, and egalitarian society in the Western world”(3). In the book, Rockman showcases to his audience the flourishing booming port of Baltimore, Maryland and the complications of the men and woman, white and black, which worked on the early capitalist development. An absence of economic safety and impoverished state republic capitalist prospered on is what this diverse group of people had in common. He explains early republic capitalism as “a political economy that dictated who worked where, on that terms, and to whose benefit” not a “synonym for market exchange” (5). Rockman not only shed light to the view that capitalist economy utilized human labor as a tool for economic development nationally and of private wealth’s service, but he also justifies the argument that the opportunity to harness an assorted group of workers who were denied the liberty to rightfully claim their freedom without holds, was what capitalism was built on. He also touches on the people of unskilled labor who never gain prosperity or success economically and ultimately remained in manual labor. Rockman’s purpose is to shed light on the various kinds of exploited individuals and conditioning them in Capitalism’s systemic dependence in the history line of the United State’s political
The Red tent is a book that follows the life of a woman named Dinah. The stories that are told throughout take place in biblical times, and follows some of the lineage of the bible itself. The book begins by telling the story of Dinah’s four mothers, along with their relationship with Dinah’s father Jacob. After being introduced to Dinah herself, the book follows her life story from beginning to end, all the way from Haran, through Canaan, Shechem, and into Egypt. Throughout this paper, I will be describing and comparing events of the book verses modern day, in relationship to child birthing practices, family dynamics, personal life experiences of characters, along with discussing herbs, spices, and medications used by
The book “Black Like Me” presented a lot of interesting topics about racial diversity in the United States during the 1960’s. Howard Griffin embarked on a journey that no other man in this time would dare do. H decided to leave his privileged life as a white man behind and travel to the South and live as a black man, to really understand the pressures that they dealt with and to see things from a different perspective. The only real way to do so was to become a black man. He began taking medication that would darken his skin and the transformation that he made was incredible.
Jalapeno bagels is about a boy named Pablo whom cannot decide what to take to school for International Day. He wants to bring something from his parents’ baker. He wants something that represent his heritage but he cannot decide what to bring. His mother who is Mexican baked pan dulce and change bars. His father who is Jewish baked bagels and challah. Both of the bake good were good but while helping his parents with the bakery on Sunday morning, Pablo made a decision on what to bring. He decided to bring jalapeno bagels because they are a mixture both of his parents and just like him too. The multicultural representations in the story line is Mexican and Jewish. The pictures that were drawn in the book, the family has the same color of skin even though the parents are different cultures and the main character is mixed. There were no different skin colors.
In the essay The Ways We Lie, author Stephanie Ericsson writes in depth about the different types of lies used by most people everyday. While listing examples of them, Ericsson questions her own experiences with lying and whether or not it was appropriate. By using hypothetical situations, true accounts, and personal occurrences, she highlights the moral conflicts and consequences that are a result of harmless fibs or impactful deceptions. In an essay detailing the lies told to ourselves and others, Ericsson points out one bold truth; everyone lies. Through her writing, Ericsson causes the reader to look into how they’ve lied in the past and how to effects others and the general greater good of society.
Think about the people that are admired, the goals that are set, and the obstacles that must be overcome. Coming to these decisions is how people live, and these decisions are come to by learning how to balance the following and breaking of rules.
A romantic drama film is a genre that explores the difficult aspects that come with love. The plot usually includes two people that are in love that can’t be together the way they want to be due to obstacles. The obstacles in a romantic drama film can include a family 's disapproval, to forbidden love, to one 's own psychological restrictions. The Notebook is a movie based on a best-selling novel that was written by author Nicholas Sparks. This is a love story that is composed of a series of obstacles between two young people that are madly in love with each other. It perfectly fits and displays the criteria for a successful romantic drama film because it includes the complexity of love, and elicits emotions.
The Lie, the everyday struggles of the Lonnie. Into Lonnie’s audience can view the male’s characters daily routine from morning, afternoon, and evening. Throughout “The Lie”, Lonnie tries to come up with strange ideas of how he can relief his stressful life until the weekend. But the narratives ideas are only temporary fixes which only hinders him towards the end of the story.
The book Black Hearts opened my eyes to how leadership from a single Officer can have a grappling effect on such a wide range of soldiers from the lowest of ranks. One of the best takeaways from Black Hearts is to never do anything: illegal, unethical, or immoral. Although this is a easy statement to repeat, Black Hearts demonstrates the difficulties that lie behind these words. It has also painted a picture of how leadership can topple extremely quickly from a top down view. The Army is portrayed in a bad light throughout the book relentlessly. This is due to the concentration of poor leadership of the 1-502nd Regiment (Referred to as “First Strike”), a battalion of the 101st Airborne Division.
TTizbeth skipped dinner and cried herself to sleep. She did not want to leave her room the next morning. She paced then worked on her embroidery since that is all she could do here. Then she paced some more. She threw herself on her bed intending to read but the funny marks of the Bible were too hard. Finally, set it aside and thoughts of Gabby and Ovalles came with renewed tears. Did they miss her?
.....But thought this such an excellent topic for Ciao that I would voice my opinion on the subject and thus, hopefully, support further such thought provoking suggestions for Ciao Current Debates