
Analysis Of The Book ' I Lay Dying ' By Dewey Dell

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A tool is a device or instrument used to carry out a particular function. Although betrayal is not considered an actual object, Dewey Dell within the book As I Lay Dying uses this to achieve a safe plan. Just like in the definition of a tool, she uses betrayal for a particular function; this particular function is to get rid of her brother Darl. Dewey Dell is the daughter of Anse and Addie Bundren. She is about seventeen years old. In this novel, she has sex with a boy named Lafe and conceives a child. She does as much as she can to avoid her secret to escape along with trying to abort her baby. When Dewey Dell betrays her brother Darl because her fear of him knowing about the pregnancy along with her mother’s extreme influence on her …show more content…

The first person that Dewey Dell betrays is her brother Darl. Dewey Dell and Darl were very close according to their brother Cash before Dewey Dell became pregnant. Cash says, “And then I always kind of had an idea that him and Dewey Dell kind of knowed things betwixt them” (Faulkner 237). Although Cash believes that they were close before, their relationship changed. Darl towards the end of the book burns Samson’s barn with his mother’s coffin in it. Dewey Dell knows that he did this. When they get to the town of Jefferson to bury their mother, Dewey Dell turns in her brother Darl to the police. “. . . but when them fellows told him what they wanted and that they had come to get him and he throwed back, she jumped on him like a wild cat . . .”(Faulkner 237). Dewey Dell not only turns Darl in, but she helps the police tackle him to the ground. This is a major relationship change from what Cash had expressed. She betrays Darl by telling the police. She could have kept it to herself and not told anyone, but instead she decides to notify the police of his wrong doings.
Addie betrayed her husband Anse and this influenced Dewey Dell to tattle on her brother Darl. Addie, within the only chapter that she has in the book describes why she betrayed her husband. She says, “But then I realised that I had been tricked by words older than Anse or love, and that same word had tricked Anse

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