In the Novella short story of “Ballad of the Sad Cafe” by Carson McCullers, Marvin Macy was one of the major characters who plays an important role in the short story. Marvin Macy was a very handsome man. He degraded and ashamed a lot of young girls, abusing him and degrading them. He reacted as if he wanted to avenge himself for the hard childhood he had to endure. In of short story “The Ballad of Sad Cafe”,the antagonist Marvin Macy, is the most damaged character.Also,because he came from a family who mistreated him, he was a troublemaker, he also wanted revenge on Miss Amelia for not loving him back and taking his fortune away from him. Marvin Macy comes from an abusive family “ If the children cried they were beaten, and the first thing they learned in this world, was to sought the darkest corner of the room and try to hide themselves as best they could” (McCullers 9). This quote explains how Marvin and his six siblings were treated badly by their parents. Also it demonstrates how Marvin is such a damaged character, he felt sad and alone in his family, he received abusive punishments including his siblings when they didn't deserve it. This quote also talks about how they seek the darkest corner of the room it meant that Marvin and his siblings lives had no light in it. This means Marvin didn't have any sort of comfort living in his own home. All Marvin Macy had with his parents was sorrow and mistreatment. Also, because of his parents abuse Marvin and his siblings were afraid to communicate to each other. Marvin’s family also abandoned him, “ But this is not a town to let hite orphans perish in the road before your eyes” (McCullers 9). Because of his parents abandonment, Marvin and his siblings was forced to live in the street, and survived on their own. The story also says “the heart of a hurt child can shrink so that forever afterward it is hard and pitted as the seed of a peach” (McCullers 9). This quote tells us God because of Marvin's parents abandonment, neglect and abuse, the pain he went through with his parents has made him into the cruel heartless person we know today.
Secondly, Marvin Macy went to jail “He was tried, sentenced, and sent off to the penitentiary near
In a small town in Alabama, called Maycomb, during the Great Depression, a rape trial is underway. Atticus Finch, a Maycomb lawyer, tries to persuade the jury and other townspeople in the courthouse that Tom Robinson, who was falsely accused of raping Mayella Ewell. In this trial, Atticus speaks directly to the jury to protect Tom and prove to the rest of the town that Tom was falsely accused by Bob Ewell. During the trial of Tom Robinson, Atticus appeals more to pathos in order to prove his point that Tom was innocent by also asking hypophoric questions and relying on anaphoric sentences to reinforce his confident tone.
One of the more extreme measures taken in an attempt to control population has been China's one-child policy. Population advocate Garet Hardin suggests the rest of the world adopt similar policies. This paper is to show a country's government acting on theories that Hardin is popular for and the ethical and environmental effects that it had on people and the land. Hardin fails to see the ethical problems laid out by governments that suppress peoples thoughts and beliefs.
In the poem “Ballad of Birmingham”, by Dudley Randall, many different things can be analyzed. The difference in the two translations; one being a literal translation, telling the true meaning of the poem, and the other being a thematic translation, which tells the author’s theme and symbolism used in his/her work. Another thing that all poets have in common is the usage of poetic devices; such as similes, metaphors, and personification.
It is this air of isolation that brings him together with his far-elder cousin, Miss Sook. “…neither of us had an ordinary outlook or background, and so it was inevitable, in our separate loneliness, that we should come to share a friendship apart” (243). This friendship with a woman fifty years his senior livens Buddy’s world as they spend all their time together, working in the garden, going fishing, and cooking up gigantic breakfasts. “…she was a child herself…she understood children, and understood me absolutely” (242). Buddy relates to her as an equal, creating a much needed friend that serves as an anchor in his childhood. As the primary figure in Buddy’s life, Miss Sook is able to teach him lessons about envy, vengeance, and empathy. She knows that Odd bullies Buddy, so she invites him to join their Thanksgiving dinner. Buddy is outraged and feels betrayed by his friend’s welcoming of an enemy. Immediately he views Odd in contempt as he watches him eye up one of his relatives while grabbing all the attention with his talented singing voice. “Odd was good, he could sing for sure, and the jealousy charging through me had enough power to electrocute a murderer.” (259). Overcome by this jealousy, Buddy immediately finds a way to find vengeance on Odd by accusing him of stealing a brooch from Miss Sook, which he was in fact guilty of. In the process of
The night air is warm in Maycomb, perhaps even welcoming one on a nightly stroll. Perhaps on any other day, I’d relish the air and the newspaper in my hands. Not tonight. Tonight, the humid and warm atmosphere tortures me; it drives me crazy. It adds to the already strenuous mood. Desperate for a distraction from the waiting, I focus my attention to the newspaper in my hands. Scanning for any interesting stories, I flip through the newspaper. Insults hurled toward me, words of anger tossed at Tom Robinson. Despite the foul things that were written, I could not find a place in my heart to hate these people. Each and everyone was a person I had known since my childhood, each knew me, yet they let their good judgement be blinded. I look back at the jailhouse, curious if the
Next, it was not easy for John Paul Jones. He was put in jail and was had charges put on
Ambition is what pushes the human race to become stronger and evolve as a whole. Every human is greedy, even if they may not show it. There are multiple instances and people in the play Macbeth by Shakespeare where this is shown. Such as, Lady Macbeth, when Macbeth kills the king, and when Macbeth kills Banquo.
The marriage between Jessie and Cecil was a set up and shared much of the same tension that Mama and Daddy had in their marriage. Jessie confessed that she “loved Cecil so much” and she tried to be an ideal wife for him and provide him with the spouse he deserved (Norman, 39). Cecil is characterized as striving for perfection through his carpentry skills which transferred to his everyday life. When building a baby bed for their son, Ricky, Jessie told Cecil that “he didn’t have to spend so much time on it” but Cecil wouldn't listen and built a spectacular baby bed for Ricky (Norman, 40). Jessie admitted that the marriage failed because although she was putting her best efforts towards being an ideal wife by pushing herself out of her comfort zone “he always knew [she] was trying so it didn’t work” (Norman, 39). The string of unhappy marriages not only added to Jessie’s suicidal mental state, but it also negatively affected their son Ricky because as a result of the history of unsuccessful marriages he lacked the loving home environment necessary for a child to be emotionally nourished and flourish as “conflict between parents during [divorce] might lead to behavior problems in children” as evident in the case of Ricky (Amato, 1272).
Stanley Kowalski, the aggressive husband, represents all the men who have mistreated Tennessee in his life, especially one in particular: his father. Stanley is boisterous and abusive. “Williams's father loved poker and drinking and his life at the International Shoe Company -- but not, Williams felt, his doubly strange, gay-writer son,” (Today in Lit). Stanley’s personality could not be more different than Blanche’s; in the same way Williams personality contradicts his father's.
On the surface level Dudley Randall’s Ballad of Birmingham, is of a tragic event that has misfortunately happened. A bombing on a church that has led to the loss of life. Looking at it’s history however, Randall forefronts all the emotions from the speaker with chilling diction and a rhythmic pattern of rhyming the second and fourth line of each stanza. It brings to life a darker truth, one that has yet to end.
“It’s time for revenge, after years of remorse and sadness, I can finally submit to the temptations.And finally take away what people took away from me” A queer man thought aloud just above a whisper. As the mysterious man proceeded to shop from the weekly Bluefield fresh market, he knew in due time things would be changing in the small town. Slowly, the lean figure of the queer man descended into the midst of the crowd. Quincy, a young slim figured man, had overheard the alarming confession, but decided not to speak out against, in order to not draw too much attention. After all, it was only his first week in the new town of Bluefield and he was already getting a feeling in his stomach about the weariness of the town. Quincy and his fiance,
life, he was going Outside," I think that it is kind of sad because Marvin has never been outside before but the way the author describes the setting of the story makes it beautiful.
The character Mrs. Mallard from Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” can be considered both sympathetic and unsympathetic for various reasons. She could be seen as a sympathetic character because of the times Mrs. Mallard’s character came from. On the other hand, she could be seen as unsympathetic for how her character is very self-centered. We see this in how she is constantly rationalizing with herself that her feelings of joy at her husband’s death were well founded. There are also several other variables that must be taken into consideration when deciding if Mrs. Mallard is a sympathetic character, or not.
He, unknowingly, falls victim to the stereotypical business mogul with his “own apartment, a car, and plenty of women” (23). Nevertheless, Happy confesses that he is lonely, showing that, although he did follow Willy’s teachings, he just ends up with contempt towards his new, materialistic
One upon a time there was a middle-class guy named Charming who is twenty- three and still live with his stepmother. He never knew his mom cause she died when he was really young and his father remarried when he was eleven. He loves his stepmom to the point that he just calls her mom. Sadly, his father died three years ago from a heart issue. Now it’s just him, his mother and his twin half-brothers James and Johnson. Back to Charming, when his father died, he was in college, so he took a break to mourn his father and now he is back in college in Stony Brooks University majoring in computer science. It was his last year and all he wants to do is focus on graduation and finding a job nothing else.