
Analysis Of Tessa Otto's Farewell Speech

Decent Essays

The key to successful speech-writing is, without a doubt, knowing one’s audience. Whether the speech is being given by a politician, a CEO, a professor, or even a high school graduate, tailoring one’s speech to the audience is necessary to both engage and inform the audience on the subject at hand. As the class-elected speaker of her graduating class, it is clear that Tessa Otto knows her audience well enough to successfully engage her fellow seniors in a farewell speech at her graduation ceremony. As an elected official of her high school, Otto clearly maintains a positive reputation among her fellow classmates, and thus, was a smart choice to give the speech. Because of her knowledge of her fellow classmates, she is able to make several references throughout her speech that act as inside-jokes to directly engage the students. For example, at the beginning of her speech, she addresses the audience with the line, “Friends, Czechoslovakians, merrymen, and the class of 2015, good evening.” Otto’s greeting towards Czechoslovakians may seem confusing to a viewer who is not familiar with the town but, as revealed by Otto in the comment section of her speech, a large portion of the town …show more content…

She begins the last portion of of her speech by humorously referencing the advantages of college dorm bunk beds and the popular fear of the “freshman fifteen,” but soon moves into seemingly serious advice. She assures her audience that simply because they are “going into the world,” that does not mean they have to know everything, and they are allowed to say, “I don’t know.” While she quickly spins this advice into another joke, she accomplishes one of the main purposes of a commencement address by providing classmates with valid advice to aid in their life

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